My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4799 4799We are not done with him!

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen asked doubtfully.

"Otherwise, let's stay on the flying boat. We won't be able to stop for long even if we think about it." Liu Sanjue said hesitantly.

"What's going on?" Seeing the old man's hesitant expression, Luo Enen was even more confused.

"Looking at Zhong Lingjun's character, he is definitely not one to swallow his anger. After suffering so much, he will never give up. But now he looks like this. It's probably someone from the Zhong family." Liu Sanjue thought for a while and decided to What was in my heart came out.

"So what? Let's beat one up, let's beat up a pair, let's see how many people the Zhong family can send." Only then did Luo Enen know what he was worried about. Looking through the window again, she also I think Liu Sanjue's guess is very reasonable. If it weren't for the support of people from the Zhong family, Zhong Lingjun would never be so proud.

However, they are experts at the sixth level of Emperor Saint, and Gu Fenghua has even reached the seventh level of Emperor Saint. Looking at the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, except for a few dozen envoys and the three great saints, who are they afraid of? Yes - no, no, even some emperors and envoys would just run away when they saw them, so why should they be afraid of a Zhong family.

This Liu Sanjue is really getting better and better as he gets older. He has been promoted to the fourth level of Emperor Saint, but he is even less courageous than before.

"If they are just ordinary children of the Zhong family, of course we don't need to pay attention to them, but the people who come this time are probably not simple." Seeing Luo Enen's contemptuous eyes, Liu Sanjue smiled bitterly and said worriedly.

"How did you know?" Lorne asked in confusion.

"My previous obsession was actually due to a divine thought. That divine thought was extremely powerful. Perhaps even Feng Hua might not be stronger than him." Liu Sanjue replied.

"What!" Luo Enen and Fatty Bai exclaimed in unison. They were all concentrating on protecting Liu Sanjue just now, but they didn't notice that divine thought. They didn't know what happened until now?

I was still wondering at first. Liu Sanjue had made breakthroughs and promotions without any problems, so why did he suddenly go crazy? It turned out that it was because of being disturbed by a divine thought. And this divine thought is not inferior to Gu Fenghua!

You must know that the stronger the cultivation level, the stronger the spiritual will is usually, and conversely, the stronger the spiritual intention, the higher the cultivation level will be. Gu Fenghua is an exception. Because she possesses the power of the Phoenix, her spiritual consciousness has always been stronger than that of the saint masters at the same level, and even stronger than those saint masters whose cultivation levels are several levels higher than hers. But precisely because she is an exception, it shows the other party's strength even more.

After all, not everyone has the power of the Phoenix like her. Since the other party has a divine mind that is not weaker than hers, then most of the time his strength will not be lower than hers, or even stronger than hers.

Gu Fenghua finally understood why Liu Sanjue, a master of elixirs, weapons, and formations, whose spiritual thoughts were far more powerful than those of a holy master of the same level, lost his spiritual platform at the critical moment of breakthrough and promotion, and became so confused that he went crazy. It turned out that it was all because of that divine thought. Previously, I was only worried about his safety and ignored this matter.

"It turns out he was the one who caused you to go crazy. We are not done with him!" Soon, Luo Enen raised his fist again and said angrily.

Surprised, but who was she, Miss Luo, afraid of? No matter who that person was, even if it was an envoy or even a holy king, she would never be done with him until he gave an explanation.

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