"Don't be impulsive first, wait until you find out what's going on." Ye Wuse said calmly.

The other party caused Liu Sanjue to go crazy, and he almost lost his cultivation and even lost his life. Of course, he couldn't just let it go, but the other party was too strong, but he couldn't be careless and had to deal with it carefully.

"Then, can we go down or not?" Fatty Bai asked.

"Ta..." Suddenly, a loud music sounded.

Everyone's eardrums trembled and their whole bodies were shaken.

Immediately afterwards, a cheerful piece of music kicked off.

This music is so clear, high-pitched, and majestic, yet so melodious, sonorous, and powerful. Gu Fenghua and others felt the hairs on their bodies stand on end, and their hearts were beating wildly with the music, as if they were about to spiral up and jump out of their throats.

"Who is having a happy event?" Luo Enen finally suppressed her heart that was about to jump out and asked curiously.

This was the sound of the suona. She used to often ask people to play it when getting married, but this person's skills were obviously much better than those of the grass-stage troupe. As the saying goes, as soon as my flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will be killed, and when the suona comes out, the whole world will be shocked. Even she, a powerful person of the sixth grade of Emperor Saint, is shaken by the sound of the suona, and her mood will rise and fall, and the holy energy will boil and it is difficult to calm down.

"It may not be a happy event, maybe it's a funeral." Fatty Bai said, pressing his chest.

Who said that only those who celebrate happy events can play the suona? This is the king of all kinds of music, playing it from birth to death.

"Sir, I heard that someone got promoted, and my young master specially played a song as a congratulatory gift!" At this time, the maid came again and said to Gu Fenghua and others with a smile on her face.

Although she was not able to hear Huang Qiufeng played by her young master, the suona was still very exciting and a feast for her ears.

"What, is this played by Zhu Tongguang?" Gu Fenghua and others' hearts trembled again, and they felt that the originally cheerful and pleasant suona sound suddenly became so harsh and noisy, like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

"Yes, I didn't expect that my young master is so versatile. He plays the piano well, the suona well, and he is also good at cooking. If anyone can be attracted by him, I don't know how happy he will be." The maid Holding his chin in his hands, he said with a longing look on his face, with little stars flying wildly in his eyes.

"Give up as soon as possible, you won't have a chance." Luo Enen said sympathetically as he looked at the young girl who was in love.

Speaking of which, this maid has beady lips, red lips and white teeth, and she has two sweet dimples when she smiles. She is quite lovable, but the problem is, others like men, men!

"I know, my young master already has his heart set on something. By the way, do you know who Xiao Seise is?" The maid also knew herself. She was not too disappointed or angry, but asked gossipingly.

At first, she always thought that her young master had fallen in love with one of Gu Fenghua or Luo Enen, but then she went back to secretly ponder it, or make a wild guess, and suddenly she thought of the little erotic thing that Zhu Tongguang accidentally mentioned, and recalled that At that time, his face was full of affection and obsession, and the sensitive nature of women suddenly awakened her. She realized that her young master probably did not like Gu Fenghua nor Luo Enen, the one who truly made his heart belong. In fact, it's that little pervert.

"Xiao Se... Se..." Gu Fenghua and others felt a chill rising from their toes to the top of their heads, their scalps were numb, and they looked at Ye Wuse with strange eyes. There was a hint of trembling in their voices, and the protracted ending was also extremely weird.

Besides Ye Wuse, who else could this little color... color be?

"Get off the boat, we'll get off the boat right away." Ye Wuse's face was ashen, and he no longer had the calmness and calmness he had before. He covered his ears and was the first to rush to the gangway.

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