My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4801 4801 sounds so nice and festive

"Tell your young master, no more blowing or playing, do you know it will kill someone?" Gu Fenghua and others also fled, covered their ears and rushed out at the same time. But when he reached the gangway, Gu Fenghua turned around again and reminded the maid, or in other words, warned her.

Looking at this, Ye Wuse's patience has probably reached its limit. If this continues, either they will be killed by Zhu Tongguang, or Zhu Tongguang will be stabbed to death by a furious Ye Wuse's sword.

"Oh." The maid responded, but she had a puzzled look on her face: My young master plays so beautifully and is so festive, why isn't he allowed to play?

Watching Gu Fenghua and others leave, she walked back inexplicably. After walking a few steps, she suddenly thought of something and turned her head sharply.

"Xiao Se Se, Xiao Se Se, could it be... could it be him!" Looking at Ye Wuse, who was still upright and upright even though he was escaping in a hurry, the maid suddenly covered her mouth and her eyes widened.

Fortunately, Zhu Tongguang knew enough was enough. He was afraid that he would be self-defeating and make Ye Wuse and others unhappy with his good intentions, so he stopped in time before the maid went back to report.

Their ears were finally clear again, and Gu Fenghua and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. If that guy continued to blow without mercy, let alone Ye Wuse, they might not be able to help but rush up and poke the transparent holes in his body.

Taking a few deep breaths, a few people stepped down the gangway and walked towards Yunjin City.

At this time, except for a few people who stayed behind on the Duyun Feizhou, most of the passengers had disembarked.

At the gate of the city, Zhu Sifang was chatting with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was dressed simply, but he was tall and majestic. A dozen guards stood respectfully behind him. The guards on the wall tower also bowed slightly to him, their expressions full of awe. Judging from the situation, he He should be the lord of Yunjin City.

"Fenghua and you are here too. Let me introduce to you. This is Sima Jingnan, the city lord of Yunjin City." When Zhu Sifang saw Gu Fenghua and his party, he greeted him warmly and dragged the city lord over to greet them quickly.

After seeing the strength of Gu Fenghua and others, he was even more determined to make friends with them. However, making friends is also a technical job, and accepting to please will only make people look down upon. Many times, showing enough respect will make it easier to win the other person's favor.

As the president of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, Zhu Sifang was of course well aware of the ambiguity involved. At this time, he led the lord of Yunjin City to greet him in person, which certainly gave Gu Fenghua and others face.

"Sure enough, he is young and promising. I am Sima Jingnan. I would like to welcome you to Yunjin City. Please forgive me if I have not received you well." Although Gu Fenghua and others are young, Sima Jing Nan knew that from Zhu Sifang's perspective, those who could be valued by him were definitely not ordinary people, so he did not dare to look down upon them in the slightest and took the initiative to speak.

"Junior has met City Lord Sima." Gu Fenghua and others responded politely.

Even though Yunjin City is not big, there are not enough spiritual energy in the Lingji Realm, so there are not many cities, and the further north you go, the rarer the cities are. Within tens of thousands of miles, there is probably only one city, Yunjin City. No matter how you look at it, it can be regarded as an important city. Sima Jingnan's ability to become the lord of Yunjin City should not be underestimated. Of course they cannot be rude to others when they greet them with a smile.

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