My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4803 4803 Do fat people have no human rights?

At this moment, there was a whistling sound in the air, and several figures came flying through the air like lightning. One moment it was more than ten miles away, and the next moment, it was almost in front of us.

Just listening to the roar of the wind and looking at the speed, you know that the coming person is definitely not weak. Everyone stopped at the same time and looked at them curiously.

"It's coming, it's coming!" Zhong Lingjun was ecstatic and flew towards those people.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua and others were shocked. It seems that these people are the strong men of the Zhong family that Zhong Lingjun asked to help him!

"Tell me, who bullied you?" Sure enough, before Zhong Lingjun opened his mouth to complain, the young man at the head asked angrily, making it clear that he was here to stand up for him.

This young man was tall, with a rugged face, and a domineering air. His voice was slightly hoarse, giving him a somewhat majestic tone.

"It's her, Luo En'en, and her, Gu Fenghua, him, Ye Wuse, and that fat white guy." Zhong Lingjun knew that he had a straightforward temperament and no nonsense, pointing at Luo En'en and Gu Fenghua Waiting for someone, he said through gritted teeth.

This guy has a good memory. After hearing it only once, he clearly remembered the names of Luo Enen, Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse. He just forgot Fatty Bai's name - maybe not because of forgetting, but because of his The appearance characteristics are too conspicuous, so I simply omitted the name.

What, even if you forget my name, you still dare to call me fat! What's wrong with fat people? Do fat people have no human rights? Fatty Bai was furious.

Next to him, Liu Sanjue also looked angry. Although I really don't want to cause trouble or break up with the Zhong family, no one will feel comfortable being ignored and forgotten like this.

After pretending to be a Taoist immortal for so many years, whoever looks at him will be shocked by it. Who would have expected that the impression left on others would be worse than that of a fat man, and would be completely forgotten. This makes Master Sanjue feel very hurt. , very angry.

"I know, I will seek justice for you right now!" The young man waved his hand and his voice became deeper.

An invisible momentum enveloped Gu Fenghua and others. Even the people on the outside were suffocated by this momentum and almost couldn't breathe.

What a strong strength! Everyone was shocked. Although from the situation they had just passed by, we could guess that their strength was not weak, but when they felt the overwhelming momentum, they realized that their strength was stronger than they thought.

It’s strange, when did such a young and powerful person appear in the Lingji Realm? Why have I never heard of it before? Looking at the young man's rough and unfamiliar face, everyone was surprised and secretly curious.

"You're so brave, you dare to bully your junior uncle. You really don't know how to live or die. Junior uncle, just leave this matter to the disciples!" At this time, an old man jumped out from behind the young man.

The old man's body was thin, his face was wrinkled, and he was holding a cane in his hand, which seemed to be blown over by a gust of wind, but his voice was full of energy. When he spoke, he slammed the cane on the ground, and the whole ground shook violently. With a tremor, even the city wall that had withstood thousands of years of wind and rain but still stood firm trembled.

A strong man, this is also a strong man!

Everyone was even more shocked, but looking at that old face like orange peel, they still couldn't remember who this person was? The most puzzling thing is that at such an old age, how could he call that young man uncle?

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