My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4804 4804 Things are a little troublesome

"Uncle, why are you here?" Just when everyone was full of doubts, Sima Jingnan stepped forward with a surprised look on his face. He first bowed respectfully to the little old man, and then asked .

Uncle, uncle, could it be that he is Sima Batian? That Sima Batian who even bowed his head to all the envoys and rushed to stand up for him!

Sima Jingnan's words were like a huge stone thrown into the calm lake, causing a huge wave that shocked the sky, and everyone was stunned.

"Why, others can come to Yunjin City, but I, Sima Batian, can't come?" The little old man raised his head, rolled his eyes and looked at Sima Jingnan, and said in a strange way. From that look, he seemed to be very fond of Sima Jingnan. dissatisfied.

Sima Batian, he is indeed Sima Batian!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the city was even more shocked. The guards on the city wall also bowed and saluted, their faces full of awe.

Although Sima Batian is famous, not many people have seen him in person. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have thought that this scrawny little old man who looked like he could be blown down by a gust of wind was Sima Batian. However, if you look closely, you will see that although this old man is small and thin, he has a sense of arrogance and domineering that looks down on the world when he raises his hands and feet, and he lives up to his reputation as a tyrant.

Gu Fenghua and others were also surprised. They thought Zhong Lingjun would ask the Zhong family for help, but who would have thought that it was Sima Batian who came!

In fact, when they first came to Lingji Domain, they had heard Liu Sanjue talk about all kinds of anecdotes about this continent, and they had already heard about Sima Batian's name from his works. But after all, he was a worldly expert who had become famous ten thousand years ago. Liu Sanjue probably didn't think that he would have any interaction with him, so he only mentioned him in a few words and didn't say much.

It wasn't until they heard everyone's discussion just now that Gu Fenghua and others knew that this Sima Batian was really no ordinary person. Regardless of how strong he was, even several lords from the Spiritual Realm had summoned him. They were very respectful and even scrambled to help him out.

Now, things are a bit troublesome.

Of course, Sima Batian's strength is not that weak, but with his concentrated sword attack, they are not afraid, but if he offends several saints at the same time because of him, they may have no choice but to They should leave the Lingji Realm as soon as possible and find a safe place. They don't think they can win against the joint efforts of several envoys. What's more, there are three major holy sects under each envoy, as well as various sects of upper, middle and lower grades. There are countless doors.

"My grandson didn't mean that. My uncle, you have misunderstood. Your uncle's visit to Yunjin City is a blessing for my grandson and for hundreds of thousands of people in Yunjin City. It's not too late for my grandson to be happy." Just as Gu When Fenghua and others secretly frowned because of Sima Batian's identity, Sima Jingnan also choked on his words and broke into a thin sweat. He did know that this great-uncle was not dissatisfied with himself, but had a bad temper that didn't please anyone. But if he didn't handle it well, then he would really be dissatisfied, so he quickly explained stand up.

"I didn't know that my great-uncle was here, and it was really a sin for my grandson not to be far away to welcome him. Come on, prepare a banquet immediately to welcome your great-uncle! Also, let the lady know, and let her drink the altar of the Holy Heart. Take it out, and I will have a few drinks with my uncle in a while, and then I will apologize to him." After explaining, Sima Jingnan immediately continued without waiting for him to speak.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!" The guard behind him responded loudly and ran towards the city quickly.

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