My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4810 4810 Lorne is very angry

As for the little girl in green, when she asked him a question, she actually looked at him cross-eyed, making it clear that she didn't take Sima Batian seriously, so how could she not give her a lesson?

"Yes, yes, gouge out her eyes, gouge out her eyes!" Zhong Lingjun also shouted loudly.

Among Gu Fenghua and the others, the one he hated the most was Luo Enen, and of course he wished that she would end up in a miserable end. It's a pity that people only have two eyes. If they have more eyes, one can gouge them all out, and that will relieve their hatred.

Thinking that Luo Enen was going to suffer a lot soon, Zhong Lingjun was so excited that his face lit up and he laughed so hard that his face almost cramped.

What, you want to dig out my eldest lady’s eyes, are you tired of living? Of course Luo Enen knew who the dead girl in green was referring to, and he was so angry that his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were spitting fire.

Why, obviously everyone has a share, if you want to help others, you can count them all, why should you only gouge out my eyes?

Is it just because Fenghua is prettier than me? But it doesn’t make sense. Fenghua is prettier than me. Could it be that Ye Wuse is also prettier than me? Well, even Ye Wuse is prettier than me, so is Fatty Bai also prettier than me?

Sure enough, Miss Luo, who has a wonderful brain, thinks about things from a different angle than others.

The other party's obviously discriminatory and unreasonable discrimination made Miss Luo very angry and crazy. So, before the palm shadow fell, she was the first to rush forward.

Fatty Ye Wuse, with white hands, was also about to take action, but when he saw her rushing forward, he stopped at the same time.

It could be seen that Luo Enen was very angry. If she was not allowed to vent her anger properly, the two of them would be in peace forever.

Alas, it’s not good to gouge out someone’s eyes. If you insist on gouging out her eyes, isn’t this looking for death? Looking at the middle-aged man who jumped out of the air, the two of them had sympathy in their eyes.

"How dare you fight back? Cut off her limbs, cripple her cultivation, and let her know how the word death is written." Seeing that Luo Enen had the courage to attack a powerful fourth-grade man, the man who spoke before roared again road.

Over the years, relying on their good cultivation and the reputation of Master, they are praised and respected wherever they go. Almost no one dares to take action in front of them. Even if they take the initiative, others will not do it. They can only accept the situation. Who knows, not only will someone attack them today, but it will also be a little girl like this!

"Seeking death!" Even the onlookers were furious, and the middle-aged man who took action felt even more shameless. He originally only used 70% of the holy energy, but this time, he increased the holy energy to 90%.

In an instant, the palm shadow flashed with divine light, like an extraterrestrial peak, crashing down towards Luo Enen with great force.

The expressions of everyone present changed greatly. It was not until this moment that they realized that they had actually underestimated this person - the power of his palm was definitely not as simple as the fourth-grade Emperor Saint, but had definitely reached the fifth-grade Emperor Saint!

Looking at Luo Enen's delicate and pretty face, everyone couldn't help but sigh secretly: It's the age when flowers are blooming, and they have to die like this. It's pitiful, pitiful!

"Stop..." Sima Jingnan couldn't bear it. Although Zhu Sifang had comforted him, he still couldn't help but stop him.

However, before the word "hand" came out of his mouth, he was suddenly startled, as if someone had strangled his neck, and he could no longer make a sound.

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