In mid-air, Luo Enen's delicate, white, fleshy little hand was imprinted on the middle-aged man's chest at some point.

The middle-aged man stood petrified in mid-air, as if he wanted to say something, but with his mouth open, nothing came out. Time seemed to condense for a moment. Soon, he was shaken and flew backwards. He was in mid-air and finally spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Sima Nanjing was stunned, and everyone around him was stunned. Zhong Lingjun's proud smile froze on his face, and even Sima Batian opened his mouth wide as if his jaw was dislocated.

No one expected that this middle-aged man's cultivation level of the fourth-grade Emperor Saint was comparable to the strength of the fifth-grade Emperor Saint. Coupled with that powerful palm like a peak from outside, he would be so vulnerable. Not only did he not It could pose the slightest threat to Luo Enen, and it didn't even pose any obstacle. It was just so simple and clean that it was blown away by someone else's palm! Everyone was stunned when they looked at Luo Enen, who was standing firmly on the spot with his eyebrows raised as if he was still angry.

"Bang!" The middle-aged man fell heavily to the ground. He struggled to stand up, but his body was only halfway up and he fell heavily again.

"Junior brother!" Several of his fellow disciples just woke up from a dream and rushed forward.

"You, you..." With the support of his senior brothers, the middle-aged man finally stood up, pointed at Luo Enen and wanted to say something, but the holy energy in his body was reversed, and he said nothing except the word "you". Not coming out.

There was blood on the corners of his mouth, and the clothes on his chest were stained with blood, and his eyes were filled with hatred and resentment.

Luo Enen's palm seemed ordinary, but there was no mercy at all. It directly shattered his internal meridians, and even cracks appeared in the Holy Spirit root. Even if it can be cured, his cultivation will be greatly reduced. If he is unlucky, , it is very likely that you will stop here for the rest of your life, without any hope of making any further progress.

"What do you mean, you are allowed to bully others, but others are not allowed to bully you? I bullied you, what's the matter, you are not convinced, why don't you get up and fight me again if you are not convinced?" Luo Enen rolled his eyes, feeling annoyed. said.

If the other party had been more reserved when he attacked just now, she might have been merciful, but the other party used 90% of his holy energy to make it clear that he really wanted to cut off her limbs and cripple her eyes, not just shout cruel words. , how could she give him face again! She had never learned to repay kindness with kindness, but she kept the saying "eye for tooth for tooth and blood for blood" firmly in mind.

Speaking of this matter, Miss Luo was still sulking in her heart. Although she was the one to deal with Zhong Lingjun, everyone had a share in it, so why should she be the only one to destroy her eyes? Even if he is not as good-looking as Gu Fenghua, he may not be as good as Ye Wuse, but he is not worse than Fatty Bai. By the way, there is also Old Man Liu, why?

She didn't know that Old Man Liu had been unfortunately forgotten by others and had nothing to do with beauty or ugliness.

"Pfft..." After hearing Luo Enen's words, the middle-aged man spurted out another mouthful of blood and fell backwards.

Relying on their outstanding strength and Master's reputation, they have always been the only ones who bully others. How can anyone dare to bully them? It was the first time in his life that he suffered a loss, and he suffered a loss at the hands of a little girl who was still young. The most annoying thing was that the little girl said it so straightforwardly, which made him feel ashamed and ashamed.

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