My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4818 4818 What a quick sword!

Seeing Ye Wuse's expression, he was also a little strange. I remember the last time I saw him take action, he was so calm and calm that even the president of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce admired him. Why did he look so miserable and heartbroken today?

If there is something weird, there must be something weird. Zhu Sifang thought secretly.

As expected of the president of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major chambers of commerce in Wuji Shengtian, Zhu Sifang does have a good eye for people. Even though he doesn’t know much about Ye Wuse, he can tell that things are definitely not as others imagine. So simple.

Sure enough, just when the tall and thin man's sword was about to pierce Ye Wuse's heart, Ye Wuse flicked his fingers, and the sword in his hand lit up.

Zhu Sifang's eyes, which were originally a little confused, suddenly lit up, and everyone's eyes lit up at the same time.

What a fast sword!

Just as Luo Enen thought, to perform sword skills, you don't need to shout the sword skills out loud. At this time, Ye Wuse, although he didn't say a word, used his "unique secret method" to concentrate his mind to the extreme. The power of this sword was also raised to the extreme. The trajectory of this sword, It is so fast that it is difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

But even so, everyone can still vaguely feel the subtlety and even weirdness of this sword.

The tall and thin man's sword was not only fast and sharp, but also versatile in both offense and defense. But when Ye Wuse thrust out his sword, he easily found the flaw in his sword's power and stabbed straight into his heart. It seems simple and direct, but in fact it is as wonderful as the top.

This is a sword that kills both of us! No, no, this is definitely not a sword that kills both.

Although Ye Wuse struck much later, his speed was unknown how many times faster than the opponent. If both of them refused to stop, this sword would definitely strike first, before the opponent stabbed his heart. Pierce the opponent's heart with a sword.

A look of horror instantly appeared in the eyes of the tall and thin man. His actual combat experience was indeed much better than that of the two junior brothers, but that was all. Compared with Ye Wuse, who had experienced life and death, his actual combat experience was still far behind. Far. He also knew that if he didn't stop, Ye Wuse might be injured, but it was just a possibility, but he himself would definitely die.

The line between life and death did not allow him to think deeply at all. He retreated almost instinctively, and at the same time withdrew his sword and returned to defense. This time, the gap between him and Ye Wuse was completely exposed. They were also on the line between life and death. In Ye Wuse's sword, even the saint master who pursued perfection and had the most demanding vision could not find any flaws, and he After retreating hastily, both the steps under his feet and the long sword he recovered seemed so frightened and confused, even a little stiff.

If he could be more calm and calm, with his sixth-grade Emperor Saint cultivation, he might be able to dodge Ye Wuse's fatal sword, but how could he possibly dodge it when he was so flustered and his hands and feet were numb.

"Chi!" In the soft sound, a bit of cold star stabbed his heart with incomparable precision.

The tall and thin man's face instantly turned pale, he covered his heart and backed away repeatedly, until he retreated dozens of steps away before falling to the ground. Not daring to speak, he took out a dozen holy pills and put them into his mouth as quickly as possible, then sat cross-legged and immediately closed his eyes to practice.

It was only then that everyone saw a trace of blood gushing out from between his fingers. It seemed that the injury was not serious, but the blood color was so bright and dazzling.

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