My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4819 4819 Only deep shock remains!

There was a sound of gasping for air all around. Obviously, this person's heart has been injured by Ye Wuse's sword, and this is the result of Ye Wuse's mercy. Otherwise, as long as the sword pierces the heart and spits out the holy energy at the same time, how can this person still survive?

This, a powerful man of the sixth rank of Emperor Saint, was defeated by Ye Wuse's sword with just one sword, and he only saved his life by relying on his mercy. How powerful must Ye Wuse's strength be?

Looking at Ye Wuse again, seeing the six golden holy beads flashing between his eyebrows, of course there was no longer any worry on their faces, only deep shock!

Emperor Saint Sixth Grade! This young man with a handsome face, who seemed to be more handsome than Luo Enen, turned out to be a sixth-grade Emperor Saint.

However, even if he is the sixth-grade Emperor Saint, it is not easy to defeat a strong man of the same level with one sword. His true combat power is obviously more than what he looks like.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that such a young and handsome young man could have such terrifying strength.

Ye Wuse didn't seem to notice the shock in everyone's eyes, his expression remained calm and indifferent. He glanced at the tall and thin man sitting cross-legged, took back his sword and stepped back.

Only then did everyone suppress their emotions, which were rising and falling like a tide, and looked towards another battle situation.

Not far away, Fatty Bai and another middle-aged man also exchanged hands. This middle-aged man has a strong body and a dark complexion, which is in sharp contrast to the fat man.

In comparison, the fight between them was not that dangerous. The two just held their swords tightly and slashed at each other with one sword after another.

Six golden holy beads appeared between their eyebrows.

It turned out that not only Ye Wuse, this fat man was also a strong man of the sixth level of Emperor Saint.

Fortunately, Fatty Bai didn't hear their inner exclamations, otherwise he would have screamed with grief and anger: "Unexpectedly, what do you mean unexpectedly?" It seems that it is unbelievable that I have reached the sixth level of Emperor Saint. Why? It's natural for Ye Wuse to reach the sixth level of the Emperor's Saint, but I reached the sixth level of the Emperor's Saint, just because I'm a fat man? Please, who said that fat people must be full of fat and have mediocre qualifications? Fat people also have human rights, okay?

Of course, Fatty Bai didn't know the surprise in everyone's hearts, so he still kept calm and kept slashing head-on with his opponent with one sword, one sword, and another.

In just a moment, the two exchanged dozens of swords.

From the perspective of ordinary holy masters, their sword skills are infinitely mysterious, but in the eyes of everyone present, their sword skills, if only in terms of subtlety, are inferior to Ye Wuse and the tall and thin man. many. Of course, they are all the top secret skills of Wuji Shengtian. They have their own shortcomings and their own strengths. Although they are not as exquisite as Ye Wuse and the tall and thin man in swordsmanship, no matter the white fat man Beidou Tyrant or the black and strong man The power of the Tao Thousand Heavenly Sword Qiankun and the sword are much stronger.

What the two are competing against now is not the exquisite sword skills, but purely the power of the sword.

"Boom, boom..." The sword lights collided in the air, making a muffled thunder-like sound, the sky was turbulent, and the earth trembled beneath their feet.

Everyone's hearts also fluctuated with the loud sound.

Because the competition between the two was too simple and direct, it felt like there wasn't much skill or danger, so at the beginning, everyone didn't pay much attention and focused on the battle between Ye Wuse and the tall and thin man. In a decisive battle of life and death, and now, looking closely at the competition between the fat white man and the strong black man, they realized that they had thought too simply.

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