My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4820 4820 Gu Fenghua hasn’t made a move yet

Before they knew it, the two of them had exchanged hundreds of swords. It can be seen that they are going all out for every sword strike. Even if they are strong men of the sixth level of Emperor Saint, if they strike out hundreds of swords without stopping and with all their strength, they will inevitably be unable to follow up because of insufficient holy energy. But the two of them There was no trace of fatigue on his face, and the power in the sword was still vast and majestic.

"It's strange, how can he have such abundant holy energy?" Among the crowd, a young man who went out to practice with the elders of the sect couldn't help but said.

Of course he was talking about Fatty White. Although these disciples of Sima Batian look young, don't forget that the Holy Master ages much slower than ordinary people. The higher the cultivation level, the more so. If you are willing to lose some cultivation level, you can use it to maintain your appearance. The aging rate will be slower due to the maintenance of appearance, so these disciples of his seem to be only middle-aged, but if you focus your mind and look closely, you can still see from their vitality that they are at least a thousand years old. , even thousands of years old is not surprising.

After so many years of hard training, and with a master's background like Sima Batian, their holy energy is extremely condensed, stretching as vast as a river and sea. It is reasonable to do so with all their strength, even cutting hundreds of swords, but Fatty Bai can't. He is really young. Even if he cultivated from his mother's womb, he has only been around for more than 20 years. How could he have such abundant holy energy?

"I'm afraid I have to grit my teeth and hold on." An old man said thoughtfully.

"Yes, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. This fight may seem simple and straightforward, but in fact it is equally dangerous. If he cannot hold on, his meridians may be severed with just one sword. If he is unlucky, he may even be on the spot. Shattered to pieces, dead without a burial place!" Another old man also nodded and said.

Although the sword skills of these two people are a little less refined in comparison, they are more powerful. In addition, both of them are strong men of the sixth level of Emperor Saint. If the one cannot hold on first, it will be a disaster. Much good and little good. Therefore, if you don't move, you can only go all out. Even if you risk your life, you can only hold on until the end.

"But there will always be times when you can't hold on even if you try hard." The young man glanced at Fatty Bai and said worriedly.

They were all of the same age. Seeing the strength of Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai, he was naturally fascinated and admired them. He never wanted to see them injured by the opponent's sword.

"Yes, but other people's thousands of years of hard work are not comparable to his mere decades of practice. Alas, he should not have faced off head-on like this." Several old men sighed at the same time.

Although this fat white man is a little fatter, he can cultivate to the sixth level of Emperor Saint at a young age. There is no doubt about his talent, and his future future is limitless. If he is given a few hundred more years, even a hundred years , the other party may not be his opponent, but he is still too young at this time. To compete with others for thousands of years of hard work to compete for holy energy, isn't that looking for death?

Looking at Fatty Bai's young face, everyone's eyes were full of regret.

"By the way, Gu Fenghua hasn't made a move yet. I'm sure she won't just watch Fatty Bai die at the hands of his rivals." Seeing that the elders were not optimistic about Fatty Bai's outcome, the young man was very anxious. He suddenly thought of something and expected it again. Said hopefully.

Poor Young Master Jun, just because of Zhong Lingjun's words, everyone didn't care about his real name and just called him Fatty White.

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