My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4821 4821 As expected, some people can’t hold on any longer.

"Yes, Ye Wuse and this fat man are both strong men of the sixth level of Emperor Saint, but Gu Fenghua is the leader. Her strength is probably only stronger than theirs. As long as she takes action, fat man can definitely save the day." Everyone was refreshed and looked towards Gu Fenghua again.

Although Ye Wuse's sword strike just now seemed to be an extremely easy victory, even a fool would have thought that since they were both sixth-grade Emperor Saints and their actual combat prowess was not bad, it would not be that easy to kill the opponent with one sword strike. Ye Wuse's sword obviously raised his energy and spirit to the peak. After the sword, it would be difficult to fight again in the short term. The only one who can look forward to now is Gu Fenghua.

Judging from the various performances of Ye Wuse and others, this Gu Fenghua is obviously worth looking forward to.

However, they were disappointed. Gu Fenghua just watched the life-and-death battle quietly. The hand pressing on the hilt of the sword had already been put down, and he seemed to have no intention of taking action.

Others don’t understand Fatty Bai, so doesn’t she understand him? This guy can directly replenish his holy energy by eating and drinking, and the effect is no less than taking the holy pill. In a sense, this is equivalent to taking the Holy Pill three or even four times a day. If you add snacks, it means taking the Holy Pill all the time to replenish the Holy Qi. The Holy Qi is so abundant, so what? It's something ordinary people can imagine.

What's more important is that even Luo En'en and Ye Wuse only condensed two innate Holy Spirit roots, but because he saved Ye Wuse's life, by chance, he condensed three innate Holy Spirit roots, Holy Qi. The recovery speed is second only to Gu Fenghua.

Even though the dark man opposite had been practicing hard for thousands of years, he really couldn't compete with the fat man in terms of holy energy. Gu Fenghua didn't need to worry about him.

"Why don't you do it? Why doesn't she do it!" Seeing Gu Fenghua's indifference, the young man who was worried about Fatty Bai was so anxious that his mouth was bubbling.

"Hey!" At this moment, an old man next to him suddenly let out a startled cry.

The young man turned his head in confusion, followed his line of sight, and his eyes suddenly widened.

They tried their best to attack again and again, but as expected, someone couldn't hold on anymore, but it wasn't the fat man they were worried about, but the high disciple of Sima Batian.

I don't know when, his dark face was covered with sweat, and the light in his eyes gradually faded. Although he was still slashing sword after sword, his movements were obviously a little stiff. Looking carefully, he was holding the hilt of the sword. His fingers were trembling slightly.

"Beidou, Ba Tian!" Dozens of swords were slashed out one after another, and Fatty Bai suddenly shouted. The long slash of the sword light seemed to break through the chaos for the first time in the world!

"There are countless avenues, and the Heavenly Sword is the universe!" The strong black man finally helped his junior brother shout out the sword technique, but his voice was so hoarse and weak.

Sure enough, it is the universe of heavenly swords. It is no wonder that the man before was so persistent and had to shout the sword technique before he could make a move. The name of this sword skill really meant that it was a bit powerful. But it's a pity that when it was displayed from the hands of the strong black man, it had no power at all.

It is difficult for a strong crossbow to penetrate Lu Zhen, which is what he is talking about now. Competing with Fatty Bai again and again, his holy energy has actually reached the edge of exhaustion, and he is only relying on his will to support him, but how long can his will support him? At the last moment, it was really not easy to hold up the sword through gritted teeth, and there was no power in the sword at all.

"Bang!" The sword lights collided in the air again, but there was no longer the thunderous roar before.

Fatty Bai's sword easily shattered the opponent's sword light, and then the sword edge struck the opponent's body flatly, sending him flying away.

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