My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4854 4854 I have a small gift to give you

But when he thought about Gu Fenghua's age and strength, he felt relieved again. That is to say, now, if he waits a few more years, even if he works hard to establish a friendship with Gu Fenghua, others may not even look at him. By then, there is no telling how many people will envy his good luck today. Woolen cloth.

"By the way, Fenghua, it's fate that we met each other. I have a small gift for you. I hope you won't dislike it." Thinking of this, Sima Jingnan took out an old book and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

"This is..." Gu Fenghua took the book and flipped through it. It contained hundreds of exotic flowers and herbs, which seemed to be elixir recipes, but the refining method was obviously very different from the alchemy method, so he was curious. asked.

"This is the brewing method of Holy Heart Drunk, which is the recipe." Sima Jingnan replied calmly.

"How come you have the wine recipe for the Holy Heart?" He was calm, but Zhu Sifang couldn't calm down and asked with a shocked look on his face.

"By chance, I found it from a secret cultivation realm, and I also found this altar of Holy Heart Drunk. If not, I wouldn't dare to conclude that this is the recipe for Holy Heart Drunk. If I guessed correctly, that secret realm, It is not only the place where Senior Qiu Shengxin used to practice, but it is also the place where he made wine. Unfortunately, the secret realm of cultivation has long since collapsed, and there is nothing left except the wine recipe and this altar of Holy Heart Drunk." Sima Jingnan replied.

"City Lord Sima, this wine recipe is too precious, I can't have it." Gu Fenghua declined.

Holy Heart Drunk is the best wine in Wuji Holy Heaven. Since the death of Qiu Holy Heart, even the three great saints have found it difficult to take a sip. The preciousness of this wine recipe is self-evident. How could she be embarrassed to accept such a heavy gift when they first met.

"Feng Hua's words are serious. I have carefully read this wine recipe and tried it myself. I found that there are still some key points that have not been completed, and I cannot brew the intoxication of the Sacred Heart at all.

As far as I know, Senior Qiu Shengxin spent his whole life, but he could not produce more than a hundred altars of Holy Heart Intoxication. This was also his biggest regret in life. I think that maybe he himself accidentally hit it, or there was some chance and coincidence, which led to the intoxication of the Sacred Heart.

So this wine recipe sounds precious, but in fact it is useless. You have such cultivation at a young age, and your talent and understanding are definitely not comparable to mine. Perhaps one day, you can complete this recipe and brew the intoxication of the Sacred Heart. If Senior Qiu Shengxin knew better, he would probably be able to rest in peace. "Sima Jingnan said.

"In that case, just accept Fenghua. At your level of cultivation, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to make further progress. What is needed most is opportunity. Maybe this wine convenience is an opportunity." Zhu Sifang also advised him. road.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. Hearing Zhu Sifang's words, Gu Fenghua seemed to have a flash of lightning in his heart.

Could the bloodline seal being opened accidentally have nothing to do with Zhong Lingxiu, but could it be because of the intoxication of the Holy Heart, or both?

"Then thank you City Lord. I have some holy elixirs here. Please accept them." With such a guess, Gu Fenghua certainly would not refuse. He accepted the wine order and took out a few bottles of holy elixirs and handed them to him. Sima Jingnan.

If people respect me one foot, I will respect others one foot. Sima Jingnan gave her such a generous gift, so of course she would reciprocate it.

"Fenghua, I don't want anything in return for giving you this wine recipe. You're so disrespectful..." Sima Jingnan waved his hand and said, but before he could say the last word "foreign", he stopped abruptly and looked at Looking at the pill bottle in front of him, he could no longer look away.

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