My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4855 4855 But except for the word monster

"This, is this the Emperor's Five Spiritual Pill?" After a while, Sima Jingnan asked, as if he couldn't believe his own judgment.

The Emperor's Five Spirit Pills are one of the legendary ancient wonder pills, which are very helpful in condensing the Holy Spirit root. After reaching the level of Emperor Saint, it becomes increasingly difficult to advance. Many strong men in the Emperor Saint realm have struggled to advance to the first level after practicing hard all their lives. Condensing new innate Holy Spirit roots is a shortcut, because with the new innate Holy Spirit roots, it means that the cultivation potential will be increased, and promotion will become much easier.

However, like many ancient magical pills, the prescriptions and refining techniques of the Imperial Five Spiritual Pills have long been lost. Only some ancient sects and aristocratic families with a long history still treasure the few left by their ancestors. The Cheng Dan is just a few pills. Although Sima Jingnan is the lord of a city, he has never seen what the Imperial Five Spiritual Pills look like.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded and pushed the bottles of Emperor Dao Five Spirit Pills forward.

"No, no, this Emperor's Five Spiritual Pill is too precious, I can't have it." Sima Jingnan quickly refused, saying exactly the same thing as Gu Fenghua just said.

"They are all refined by me as a novice. They cannot be said to be precious. There is no need for you to refuse, Lord City Lord." Gu Fenghua said.

She didn't want to show off her alchemy skills in front of Sima Jingnan and Zhu Sifang, but if she didn't say so, Sima Jingnan probably wouldn't accept these Emperor Dao Five Spirit Pills.

"This, you refined it yourself!" Sima Jingnan was shocked again when he heard Gu Fenghua's words.

The reason why the Emperor's Five Spiritual Pills were lost is because it is too difficult to refine. Not only does it require extremely high requirements for medicinal materials and alchemy techniques, but it also seems to require Nine Heavens Profound Energy. He actually knew very well what the Nine Heavens Profound Qi was. He only knew that even the Holy Lords had extremely limited understanding of the Nine Heavens Profound Qi, let alone others.

Gu Fenghua was able to refine the Five Spiritual Pills of the Emperor's Way. Doesn't this mean that in addition to her powerful cultivation of the seventh level of the Emperor's Saint, she also had outstanding alchemy skills. At the same time, she also cultivated the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi!

Gu Fenghua nodded. She had not cultivated the Nine Heavens Profound Qi, but the fairy grass was now in the pure land of her spiritual heart. It was growing luxuriantly, and the Nine Heavens Profound Qi was in an endless supply, refining the five spirits of the emperor. Dan, it's really not that difficult to tell her.

Sima Jingnan was so excited that he couldn't speak. At such a young age, he had the cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, and he also had such alchemy skills. How could this Gu Fenghua be a once-in-a-million-year cultivation wizard? He was clearly defying the heavens. What a talent - no, not an incredible talent, he is clearly a monster.

Although such a comment was a bit disrespectful, he really couldn't think of a better description besides the word "monster". He didn't know that he was not the first to use the word "evil" to describe Gu Fenghua, and he would definitely not be the last.

"Feng Hua, then I won't be polite to you. I have accepted these Emperor Dao Five Spirit Pills. If you are ordered to do so in the future, I, Sima Jingnan, will go through fire and water without hesitation." Sima Jingnan put away the Emperor Dao Five Spirit Pills with trembling hands. Lingdan stood up, bowed to Gu Fenghua, and said seriously.

"Lord City Lord, you don't have to be like this. It's just a few holy pills, don't take it seriously." Gu Fenghua quickly helped Sima Jingnan up and said modestly.

During the following banquet, Gu Fenghua temporarily put aside the matter of bloodline sealing. While tasting the delicacies prepared by the chefs of the City Lord's Mansion to the best of their ability, he chatted with Sima Jingnan and Zhu Sifang and listened to what they said. The anecdotes in the spiritual realm are also interesting, and the guests and hosts enjoy it happily.

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