My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4856 4856 Remembering over and over again

Late at night, after the banquet had dispersed, a few people went back to rest peacefully under the guidance of the maid.

In the following days, Zhu Sifang returned to Duyun Feizhou to repair the formation, while Gu Fenghua and others stayed in the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for the day of departure.

Although he only had a few days, Gu Fenghua was thinking about the blood seal and did not waste time. Early the next morning, he confessed to Luo Enen and others, then closed the door tightly and began to recall and ponder Zhong Lingxiu's "Opening of Chaos".

Sitting cross-legged and concentrating her mind, she soon entered the emptiness.

The sky and the earth are vast, the sun and the moon have no light, and they are like chaos. A ray of sword light suddenly cut through the chaos, the heaven and the earth were divided into two, the yin and yang alternated, the five elements were in and out of control, the divine light shined dazzlingly, and the great avenue of heaven and earth of yin and yang and the five elements was contained in it.

Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" sword came to mind again.

Gu Fenghua recalled and pondered over and over again, sometimes looking happy, sometimes regretful, sometimes confused...

Finally, she opened her eyes again and smiled helplessly.

If it were ordinary sword skills, she would be able to easily grasp the essence of them just by watching them a few times. However, Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills were too mysterious, even more mysterious than she imagined.

At the beginning, she felt that she had touched something and realized something. She thought that as long as she spent more time, she would be able to gain something. However, later, she realized that her realization was so illusory, even for herself. I can't even explain it. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't understand the true mystery.

It's a pity, she should have been given more chances to take action at that time. Gu Fenghua couldn't help but secretly regret.

Knowing that continuing would be in vain, Gu Fenghua stopped wasting energy and took out the wine recipe that Sima Jingnan gave him.

Gu Fenghua had previously mistakenly thought it was a prescription for elixirs. After just a few glances, Gu Fenghua felt puzzled. Now that he knew it was a recipe for wine, those puzzlements were easily solved. Brewing wine and refining alchemy were completely different from each other, so she didn't bother to delve into the reason, so she just followed the recipe and just followed the recipe.

There are hundreds of exotic flowers and herbs used in the wine recipe. The lowest grade is Xuan Grade, while the highest grade is Emperor Grade. Moreover, the dozen or so Imperial Grade herbs are extremely rare. If it were anyone else, it would be difficult to prepare all these. I don’t know how much effort it takes to get exotic flowers and exotic herbs. However, Gu Fenghua took a closer look and found that there are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the pure land of the spiritual heart, and there is no shortage of them.

After preparing the required medicinal materials, Gu Fenghua took out the demon wood cauldron.

When ordinary people make rice wine and fruit wine, they must first steam and cook the grains or wild fruits, then add the distiller's yeast and let it stand for a while. It can take a few days or a few months to brew the wine. After sealing the jar, it can be stored in the cellar for many years. It has become a vintage wine.

Although Sacred Heart Drunkenness is not an ordinary rice wine and fruit wine, the basic step is to reach the same destination after a long journey. However, these hundreds of medicinal materials may have strong or weak medicinal properties, and may complement or inhibit each other. Therefore, how to steam and combine these medicinal materials has become a big problem. Qiu Shengxin was obviously proficient in alchemy. The brewing method recorded in his wine recipe first used alchemy.

Of course, it is impossible for these hundreds of medicinal materials to be used together to form a holy elixir. This is why Gu Fenghua was puzzled when he first read the recipe.

Since alchemy is used, it is inevitable to use an alchemy furnace. Ordinary utensils cannot withstand the powerful medicinal power contained in these hundreds of medicinal materials, let alone the alchemy fire. Of course, it is not necessary to have an alchemy furnace. Items specially made from fine gold and mithril can also be used, as long as they can withstand the power of the medicine and the elixir fire.

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