"Fenghua, how are you in Yunjin City these days? City Lord Sima didn't neglect you, right? If you have any dissatisfaction, you don't have to give him face, just tell me and I'll talk to him properly." Zhu Sifang stood In front of Duyun Feizhou, they had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Gu Fenghua and others coming over, they hurriedly greeted them and said with a smile.

"You are here in great glory. My city lord's palace is so splendid. How dare you show any slightness." Although he knew that Zhu Sifang was joking, Sima Jingnan still felt inexplicably nervous and uneasy, so he hurriedly said.

"The president is joking. We are all grateful for the city lord's hospitality. How could we be dissatisfied?" Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

After hearing what Gu Fenghua said, Sima Jingnan finally let out a long sigh of relief. Don't talk about it, just talk about the following powerful men from the major holy sects. If they misunderstand that he has neglected Gu Fenghua, they may be able to spit him to death.

"Lord City Lord, we're leaving first. We're in a hurry this time and haven't had time to ask Lord City Lord for advice. We'll come back later when we have some free time." Gu Fenghua said to Sima Jingnan again.

From this meaning, she obviously regarded Sima Jingnan as a friend. The strong men from all sects behind him all looked envious.

Today, Gu Fenghua is already a strong person at the seventh level of the Emperor's Holy Grade at a young age. When she comes again next time, she doesn't know how strong she should be. Sima Jingnan obviously took advantage of her by befriending her at this time.

First, he had the support of Sima Batian, who has been famous for thousands of years, and now he has met a promising genius like Gu Fenghua. With these two amulets, Yunjin City can be said to be worry-free forever. And Sima Jingnan himself will definitely soar to the sky in the future, and his reputation will never be lower than that of Sima Batian.

"Then it's settled, I, Yunjin City, are always waiting for you!" Sima Jingnan, of course, also knew what Gu Fenghua's words meant, and said overjoyed.

Afterwards, Gu Fenghua and his party boarded the gangway.

The guards guarding the front had already kept all the guests in mind and did not stop them. They just frowned slightly when they saw Zhong Lingxiu.

Although they have been staying in Duyun Feizhou these days, they have also seen the thrilling battle between Zhong Lingxiu and Gu Fenghua. Of course they don't want to offend such a young and powerful man, but there are rules for crossing the cloud flying boat. Even the envoys must pay money to ride on the flying boat, let alone a seventh-grade emperor saint.

After hesitating for a moment, the leading guard opened his mouth to stop him.

"Miss Zhong, this is your jade token, Room A. Someone will take you there when you get up there." However, before he could speak, Zhu Sifang took out a jade token and said to Zhong Lingxiu.

Seeing this, the guard took back the foot he had just taken, but he was secretly shocked: he recognized this jade token, which originally belonged to an old friend of the president. Apparently, as soon as the president heard that Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu had agreed on the terms, he immediately found the friend and persuaded him to give up the room, without even mentioning the room fee to Zhong Lingxiu.

In his memory, the president has never set such a precedent. Even when treating the envoys, he only treated them more thoughtfully, but he would not break the rules for them, and he would not pay any money. few.

What is the origin of this Zhong Lingxiu? While the guard was secretly frightened, he also kept Zhong Lingxiu's face in mind.

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