My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4866 4866 There is such a guess

But he didn't know that his president didn't actually know Zhong Lingxiu's identity. He did this partly because of Gu Fenghua, and partly because of Gu Fenghua's guess about Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills.

At that time, he heard Gu Fenghua say that Zhong Lingxiu's martial arts and sword skills were probably not inherited from ancient times, but newly created by future generations. He still found it unbelievable, but when he looked back and thought about it carefully, he felt that what she said was not unreasonable. . As long as it is a sword skill passed down from ancient times, no matter how much later generations try to improve it, there will always be some traces left behind. With his eyesight, it is impossible not to see some clues.

If Gu Fenghua really hit the mark, then whose hand was Zhong Lingxiu's technique? Zhu Sifang believed that even someone as powerful as the Eighteen Lord Envoys might not have such ability. So, the final answer is ready to come out.

With such speculation, Zhu Sifang naturally tried to find ways to make friends with Zhu Lingxiu. Even if he couldn't make friends, he would try not to offend him.

"Thank you." Zhong Lingxiu took the jade token, thanked her lightly, and followed Gu Fenghua forward.

Seeing her calm and unhurried expression, as if it was natural for him to do this, Zhu Sifang became more confident in his guess.

"Go ahead, neither Gu Fenghua nor Zhong Lingxiu should be offended in the slightest." Zhu Sifang called the guard leader and gave a special warning.

"Yes, President." The leader of the guard bowed and responded.

Having seen the strength of the two of them, even without Zhu Sifang's words of advice, they certainly would not have dared to offend in the slightest. With these words, of course they would be even more cautious.

After boarding the Duyun Feizhou, a maid who had been ordered by Zhu Sifang hurriedly came to greet her and led Zhong Lingxiu to the room.

Zhong Lingxiu did not move, but looked at Gu Fenghua inquiringly. Now was the time when her fighting spirit was high. She couldn't wait to fight Gu Fenghua and couldn't wait for a moment.

"Go back to your room first and come back to me when the flying boat across the clouds sets off. I told you that it doesn't matter if we compete every day." Gu Fenghua said.

After all, they were all at the seventh level of Emperor Saint, and judging from Zhong Lingxiu's highly inflated self-confidence, her strength must have improved a lot. She didn't want to ruin the martial arts field on the Yundu Feizhou. When the Flying Boat across the Clouds sets off, all formations and barriers are activated, and everything is impregnable from the inside out, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay, I'll come over as soon as the Flying Boat across the Clouds sets off." Zhong Lingxiu could only suppress her expectations and sent Gu Fenghua to the door first, then followed the maid back to her room with a bit of disappointment. .

Noticing the disappointment in her eyes, Luo Enen and others secretly shook their heads: "You are still disappointed. When you really start to take action, you should probably feel lucky for this moment of relief."

After sending Zhong Lingxiu away, Gu Fenghua closed the concierge and took out the demon wood tripod from the storage bracelet.

"Fenghua, what kind of holy elixir do you want to refine?" Luo Enen and Fatty Bai asked curiously.

Looking forward to the battle between Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu, they were not in a hurry to go back to their room to practice.

"Emperor's Five Spiritual Pills." Gu Fenghua answered.

"It's the Five Spirit Pills of the Emperor's Path again." I thought Gu Fenghua had figured out another recipe for an ancient magic pill. When I heard that it was the Five Spirit Pills of the Emperor's Path, Luo Enen was a little disappointed.

"Your strength has already reached the sixth level of Emperor Saint. If you don't have a particularly good opportunity, it will be difficult to go further. Condensing new innate Holy Spirit roots can be considered a shortcut." Gu Fenghua said.

Hearing her words, not only Luo Enen, but also Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse blushed slightly.

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