My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4872 4872 Hit this guy too badly

Gu Fenghua was well prepared and raised his sword again.

In the end, there was still no suspense. With a loud noise, the figure flew out and Zhong Lingxiu fell to the ground on her back.

But Gu Fenghua stood motionless, not even taking a step back.

This time, Zhong Lingxiu didn't think too much, and she didn't dare to think too much, because even if she thought more, her self-confidence would be knocked to a loss.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" As soon as she landed, she jumped up and swung her sword towards Gu Fenghua.


"Chaos, the sky opens!"


"Chaos, the sky opens!"


In just a moment, Zhong Lingxiu struck out ten swords.

And with loud bangs, a figure flew out ten times, but another figure always stood motionless, never taking a step back.

Finally, Zhong Lingxiu lay weakly on the ground and did not get up for a long time. Her face was pale, and there were tears in her eyes.

Ten swords, ten swords in total. With each sword, she tried her best to stimulate the holy energy and spiritual thoughts to the extreme. She even exceeded the limit and displayed a powerful sword power that far exceeded expectations. However, the result was nothing at all. Change.

When the first sword was struck, she was still thinking about whether she could save some face for Gu Fenghua and prevent her from losing too badly. But when the second sword was struck, she was only thinking about whether she could draw with Gu Fenghua. , to save some face for herself, but later on, she no longer thought about whether it was a tie or not, she only thought about forcing Gu Fenghua to take a few steps back, even if it was only half a step, at least to save herself the last bit of face. Unfortunately, even this small wish has become a luxury wish, and it is a luxury wish that can never be realized.

She used all her strength to fire out ten swords in a row. Her holy energy was almost exhausted, and it was even difficult to even get up. But this was not the worst. The worst thing was that the confidence she had finally recovered had been completely shattered by Gu Fenghua. , disappeared completely.

With her cultivation level and the countless elixirs in the storage bracelet, it is not difficult to restore the holy energy, but without confidence, there is no use in restoring the holy energy.

Lying on the ground, looking up at the taller and more beautiful figure of Gu Fenghua opposite him, Zhong Lingxiu felt so powerless and helpless, like an ant looking up at an elephant, unable to muster any fighting spirit.

"Come again!" Gu Fenghua's excited voice sounded.

As Zhong Lingxiu struck out with one sword after another, the mysterious power in the depths of the bloodline awakened again and became more surging. In just a moment, hundreds of seals were broken one after another, and there was even a wave of The power of blood pours into the sea of ​​​​qi.

If she continues like this, she might be able to break the last and most core seal. Even if she can't, she will be able to accumulate bloodline power dozens or hundreds of times faster than before - this is the key to pulling out the divine sword. .

Because he was too excited, Gu Fenghua didn't notice the loss and dejection on Zhong Lingxiu's face.

"Not coming." Zhong Lingxiu said weakly without getting up, just lying there motionless.

"Why?" Gu Fenghua asked anxiously. If you don't come, how can I open the seal, accumulate the power of blood, and draw the divine sword?

"I'm not your opponent, there's no need to compete." Zhong Lingxiu said dully.

Only then did Gu Fenghua notice that Zhong Lingxiu looked half dead and lifeless, and he secretly screamed something bad. From the looks of it, he probably struck too hard and hit this guy so hard that he lost all will to fight and no longer had the ambition to challenge himself and avenge his previous shame.

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