My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4873 4873 If you don’t fight, you can’t beat it.

"Actually, you have good qualifications, but you just lack some experience and cannot exert the true power of this sword. As long as you fight more people and have more practical experience, you will become stronger and stronger." Gu Fenghua said "well-intentioned" comforted.

"You don't need to comfort me. I know that with my talent, no matter how strong I am, I can't be your opponent." Zhong Lingxiu shook her head, shook away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a sad smile.

The more proud a person is, the easier it is for him to fall into despair once he is hit. Zhong Lingxiu is a typical example.

"No, you are wrong. The strongest thing about a truly strong person is not talent, but the strong heart that never gives up. Only those who dare to face the dripping blood and face the bleak life can become a truly strong person. "Of course Gu Fenghua would not give up. He continued to persuade him earnestly, and by the way, he brought out the famous aphorism that he didn't know where he had seen.

"It's too bleak to face." Unfortunately, this famous aphorism has lost its effect, and Zhong Lingxiu still looks half-dead.

It seems that this guy was really hit hard. Good words and persuasion have no effect, so he can only give strong medicine.

"Zhong Lingxiu, don't forget that you are a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint, and don't forget that you are a descendant of the Zhong family. Don't you know how much the Zhong family has paid and how much effort it has put in order for you to have the cultivation you have today? By the way, there is also your master. Although I don’t know your master’s inheritance, your master must have also put in countless efforts for your cultivation. Ask yourself, are you worthy of their painstaking efforts when you give up on yourself?” Gu Fenghua scolded "with righteous indignation".

"I know, I know that I'm sorry for them and let down their hard work." Zhong Lingxiu said with shame and self-blame.

In fact, not only the Zhong family, not only the master, but also the senior brothers and sisters have devoted countless efforts to her. Otherwise, how could she have the cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint at such a young age, and how could she comprehend the Kuang Kuang? Shuo's peerless sword skills from ancient times to the present.

"As long as you know, get up, show your courage, show your confidence, and fight me!" Seeing that she still felt guilty, Gu Fenghua finally breathed a sigh of relief and said while the iron was hot.

"If you don't fight, you can't beat him." Unfortunately, she was destined to be disappointed. Zhong Lingxiu was still lying on the ground half-dead and said lifelessly.

"You..." After talking for a long time, it was all in vain. Gu Fenghua was so angry that he wanted to go crazy.

"There is no need to say anything. Don't worry, I will keep my promise and follow you from now on." Zhong Lingxiu said.

Gu Fenghua was really going crazy. Although it was good to have a gold medal fighter of the seventh level of Emperor Saint by her side, what she wanted more was to break the bloodline seal. Compared with fully mastering the powerful power of bloodline, a What do the followers of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint count?

"Okay, if you don't want to fight, then I will!" Gu Fenghua raised his sword and secretly said, "If you don't want to fight, then I will force you to fight. I don't believe you won't fight back."

"What are you going to do?" Zhong Lingxiu was shocked when she saw Gu Fenghua's gnashing of teeth.

This was not the first time that the two had met. Gu Fenghua's calmness and calmness had already left a deep impression on her, and she couldn't help but secretly admire him. This was the first time she saw Gu Fenghua looking angry.

"Nonsense." Gu Feng said no more and slashed out with his sword.

Although Zhong Lingxiu was deeply hit and lost all her confidence, and even felt that living in this world was meaningless, she didn't really want to die and instinctively turned over to avoid it.

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