"There's nothing I can do. She gave up after just a few moves. Apart from forcing her to do it, what else can I do?" Gu Fenghua said helplessly.

In fact, she didn't want to be so cruel, she wanted to save some face for Zhong Lingxiu, but after all, the other party's cultivation level was not inferior to hers, and he fought back out of grief and anger. She didn't have much room to hold back. If she was not careful, she would kill him. Zhong Lingxiu was beaten like that.

Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Luo Enen and others felt even more sympathy for Zhong Lingxiu: Just forget it if you can't beat him. Even if he admits defeat, if he falls into Gu Fenghua's hands, Zhong Lingxiu will be in bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"By the way, how is the blood seal thing going?" Luo Enen could no longer think about Zhong Lingxiu's tragic fate. She felt sad just thinking about it, so she changed the subject and asked.

"Not bad, it's much easier than breaking the seal by myself." Gu Fenghua said with a look of relief.

Although she lost a lot of holy energy in the fight with Zhong Lingxiu, with her current five-spirit-in-one innate Holy Spirit root, it only takes half a day at most to recover, and the bloodline power released from breaking the seal is comparable to the past. Half a month's work, if it continues like this, it won't take long before the accumulated blood power will allow her to draw the divine sword again.

"Can the bloodline seal be completely broken?" Ye Wuse asked.

"I don't know. You have to try a few more times to find out." Gu Fenghua said.

Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" sword is indeed mysterious, but she has obviously not fully understood its essence. Judging from the current situation, it is still impossible to use it to completely break the bloodline seal. Gu Fenghua The reason why the next fight is set for three days is because she hopes she can learn from it and make improvements.

"I kind of admire Zhong Lingxiu. After being bullied like this by you, he still dares to challenge you." Luo Enen said with some admiration.

The people who have been with him all know Gu Fenghua's methods very well. The little tricks Luo Enen used to deal with Zhong Lingjun last time were nothing compared to her.

Ask yourself, if it was not Zhong Lingxiu who fell into her hands, but any of them, after experiencing such inhumane bullying and torture, I am afraid they would never have the courage to challenge her.

It's no wonder that Zhong Lingxiu has the cultivation level of the Seventh Grade Emperor Saint at such a young age, which is much better than the others. His tenacity is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people. Not only Luo Enen, but also Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse secretly sighed.

"She can't do it even if she doesn't dare. The battle agreement has been written and her fingerprints have been pressed. If she goes back on her word, not only will she, but also the Zhong family and the disciples behind her be completely embarrassed." Gu Fenghua He took out a piece of war contract document, fluttered it and showed it in front of several people.

"What!" Luo Enen and others were stunned when they looked at the battle agreement in front of them and the bright red fingerprints.

"Fenghua, you are so, so shameless." After a while, Luo Enen shook his head and said with emotion and admiration.

"But we like it." Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse said in unison and helped her supplement.

Liu Sanjue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and expressed his deep sympathy for Zhong Lingxiu again. Oh no, it's not sympathy, it's pity.

"Okay, don't worry about the rest, just go back and practice." Gu Fenghua put away the contract and said to Luo Enen and the others.

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