My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4881 4881 The fool who cheated my sister

"Well, let's go back to the room first." Luo Enen and others responded in unison.

They really didn't want to watch the subsequent competition. If they continued to watch it, they might not be able to help but shed tears for Zhong Lingxiu. Really, it's really pitiful. A strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint could accidentally fall into the clutches of Gu Fenghua. It makes people sad just thinking about it.

Several people went back to their rooms. Gu Fenghua looked inside attentively and looked at the bloodline seals that had been broken. He concentrated his mind again and understood Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" sword.

Although the seals have been broken one by one, according to the current situation, it is unrealistic to completely rely on Zhong Lingxiu's help to break the last core seal. It is also impossible for her to keep Zhong Lingxiu by her side and continue to bully her like this. , in the end, you still have to rely on yourself.

I believe that Zhong Lingxiu would rather die than teach such a peerless knowledge to her, so she could only comprehend it on her own. Fortunately, she paid careful attention during the fight just now, and she finally gained some insights and was no longer at a loss as before.

My mind quickly entered the emptiness, and the sword that cut through the chaos, and the shadow of the divine light sword that contained the yin and yang and the five elements of heaven and earth, appeared in front of me again...

Unconsciously, three days passed by in a hurry. Gu Fenghua opened his eyes again and shook his head helplessly.

Zhong Lingxiu's move "Chaos Opening" is too subtle and profound. Even though he had a lot of insights from the last battle, it is obviously impossible to understand it through such insights.

But fortunately, it still takes a long time, so just take your time. Gu Fenghua opened the door and walked towards the martial arts arena again.

"You're here." Gu Fenghua was a little surprised when he saw Zhong Lingxiu, Zhong Lingjun, and Fu Qingjiang at the door. I thought that Zhong Lingxiu would wait and see after suffering enough last time, but she didn't expect that she would arrive earlier than she did.

"Here we come." Zhong Lingxiu said calmly. After not seeing each other for a few days, all the injuries on her face had healed, and her expression had returned to its previous arrogance and calmness.

"It seems that you have made a lot of progress these days?" Gu Fenghua said thoughtfully.

Zhong Lingxiu nodded but did not speak.

Gu Fenghua's guess was correct. She had learned from the experience these past few days, devoted herself to meditation, and her sword skills had improved a lot. But with the lessons learned from last time, she didn't dare to make any big talk again.

"Huh, my sister has been studying hard these past few days, and her strength has grown by leaps and bounds. You will know how powerful she is in a while." Zhong Lingxiu didn't speak, but Zhong Lingjun couldn't help but speak.

After seeing his sister's miserable state a few days ago, his confidence was a little shaken, but today he saw the familiar self-confidence and calmness on her face again, and he was suddenly full of confidence in her again, and was shaking unconsciously. stand up.

Hearing his words, Gu Fenghua smiled slightly. The deeper Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills are understood, the more help she will have in breaking the bloodline seal. She is looking forward to today's battle even more.

But Zhong Lingxiu's heart trembled, she really wanted to slap Zhong Lingjun away: "You idiot, do you think I'm so confident? I'm just pretending, am I pretending well? After all, I still have a servant like Fu Qingjiang." I have to save some face for myself when I'm here. By saying this, aren't you forcing Gu Fenghua to be cruel to me? It's over, it's over, I'm really going to be killed by you this time! If others cheat on your father, it’s better for you. If you don’t cheat on your father, you should cheat on your sister!

Seeing the triumphant look on Zhong Lingjun's face, Zhong Lingxiu felt like crying without tears.

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