My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4882 4882 Can you not slap me in the face?

"Let's begin." After entering the martial arts arena and closing the door, Gu Fenghua did not take action immediately, but gently held the hilt of the sword and said to Zhong Lingxiu.

She really beat someone up too badly last time. If she wasn't given a chance to take the lead today, Gu Fenghua would feel like she was being bullied too much.

"Wait a minute, let's discuss something first." Zhong Lingxiu did not rush to take action, but said hesitantly.

"What's the matter?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Can you be gentler?" Zhong Lingxiu hesitated and said with a red face.

It was so embarrassing. A strong man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint actually begged for mercy from his opponent, or to be precise, he begged for mercy. It was really embarrassing. However, recalling the pain that made life worse than death, she felt that it was not embarrassing at all. What a big deal.

"I'll try my best," Gu Fenghua said.

"What does "try your best" mean?" Such an answer obviously did not reassure Zhong Lingxiu, so she asked immediately.

"If you go all out and show your true strength, I will show mercy." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said.

"Then how can we go all out and show our true strength?" Zhong Lingxiu was still uneasy.

"It's hard for me to say, but I know that when people are in pain, they usually go all out and show their true strength." Gu Fenghua said seriously.

"..." Zhong Lingxiu opened her mouth, tears flashing in her eyes again.

"Then, let's discuss one more thing." Zhong Lingxiu said after a moment of silence for herself.

"Say, as long as I can do it, I promise you." Gu Fenghua said cheerfully.

"Can you not slap me in the face?" Zhong Lingxiu said.

It was okay to be embarrassed in front of Gu Fenghua. After all, she had no shame left after being beaten like that, but she really didn't want to be embarrassed in front of her brother and servants.

"This... I'll do my best." Gu Fenghua thought about it again and again, and finally said this.

To be honest, she didn't want to be slapped in the face, but Zhong Lingxiu's strength was there. If she was careless, she would be slapped in the face instead of Zhong Lingxiu. After much deliberation, Gu Fenghua still felt that it was better to slap others in the face than to slap himself in the face.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" Zhong Lingxiu didn't say anything more, but with endless sadness and despair, she slashed out with her sword with all her strength...

Doing your best means doing your best if you can, and you can't blame me if you can't. Facts have proved that Miss Gu's fifth daughter is indeed a very trustworthy person, and she did try her best, but unfortunately, she failed to do so.

So, two hours later, the door opened, and Zhong Lingxiu, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, appeared in front of her again.

"Sister!" With the experience last time, Zhong Lingjun recognized the identity of the pig head in front of him at a glance, and exclaimed with wide eyes.

Weren't you so calm and conceited when you entered just now? Why did you get beaten like this again?

"Miss Zhong!" Zhu Sifang next to him was also shocked.

Didn't you remind Gu Fenghua last time to take some care of Zhong Lingxiu's disciples and show some mercy when attacking? Why did you beat someone like this again?

After a brief moment of shock, Zhong Lingjun quickly took out the holy elixir and handed it to his sister, and Fu Qingjiang also stepped forward to help her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Zhong Lingxiu quickly took the healing pill, refused Fu Qingjiang's support, and walked towards the room with her head lowered. She was beaten beyond recognition by Gu Fenghua again and again, and she was really embarrassed to see anyone.

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