My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4888 Chapter 4888: Two months of fighting and it’s not over yet?

"Congratulations, I have only been concentrating on alchemy these days, and my cultivation has not improved much." Liu Sanjue thanked Luo Enen first, and then said with a smile.

The level of alchemy skills actually has something to do with his cultivation level. He has greatly improved his cultivation level in the past few days and has reached the fourth level of Emperor Saint. Naturally, his alchemy skills will also improve accordingly. However, this is precisely because his cultivation level has improved too quickly. , Alchemy still needs more time to be fully integrated.

Moreover, the last time he watched Gu Fenghua refine several furnaces of the Emperor Dao's Five Spiritual Roots, he benefited greatly, so he was not in a hurry to practice during these days, but focused on studying the Alchemy Dao. His efforts were not in vain. Many holy elixirs that had been difficult to refine in the past were now easily achieved in one go. Naturally, he was in a very good mood. Seeing that Luo Enen obviously wanted to show off in front of him, he didn't bother to argue with her.

"There is no end to the way of cultivation. Master Liu, you have only reached the fourth level of Emperor Saint and you are so slack. This is not good. Look at us, we are all at the sixth level of Emperor Saint and we are still practicing hard." Liu Shengun was so cooperative, Of course, Miss Luo would not be polite to him. She persuaded him earnestly, but she put on the air of an expert.

"Well, you are right, but I am a holy alchemy master, so I should spend more energy on alchemy. Besides, half of me has been buried in the earth, how can I compare with you." Liu Sanjue's mood was really great. Not bad, he said cheerfully, still not angry.

Seeing his disinterested look, Lorne suddenly felt bored. Indeed, most of the Holy Alchemist's energy is spent on alchemy, and his cultivation level is usually not too high. Even those world-famous alchemy masters or even grand masters may not be as good as Liu Sanjue at this time. Well, he didn't have to put in much effort in cultivation.

Besides, he is already so old. No matter how hard he cultivates, no matter how high his achievements can be, he might as well focus more on the alchemy path. As a young person, it really doesn't make sense to compare with him.

"By the way, where's Fenghua?" Luo Enen no longer wanted to show off, looked in the direction of Gu Fenghua's door and said.

In order not to be disturbed while practicing, every room on the Duyun Feizhou has a formation barrier. However, at this time, the door was closed, but there was no energy for the barrier. Gu Fenghua was obviously not in the room.

"I'll probably go to the martial arts arena again." Fatty Bai said. Apart from that, there seemed to be no other possibility.

"How long have we been practicing?" Luo Enen asked. She was so focused on showing off just now that she hadn't noticed the time yet.

"It's been two months." Liu Sanjue replied. He has been specializing in alchemy, and he remembers the time clearly.

"I've been fighting for two months and it's not over yet." Luo Enen looked surprised, and then looked sympathetic.

Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai looked at each other, their eyes full of pity.

Two months, even if it lasted three days, Zhu Lingxiu had fought with Gu Fenghua at least twenty times. To be precise, she was ruthlessly tortured by Gu Fenghua more than twenty times. Recalling that her nose was bruised, her face was swollen and her head was black. Bao probably couldn't even recognize his own mother, and everyone couldn't help but feel sad.

"Let's go and have a look." They were heartbroken, but they were more concerned about Gu Fenghua's bloodline seal and walked towards the martial arts arena.

From a distance, I could see the figures of Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang. After not seeing each other for two months, Zhong Lingjun no longer had the elation he felt when waiting for the first time. He only had a numb look on his face. He didn't even react at all when he saw Luo Enen and the others coming over.

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