My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4889 4889 was bullied to the point of crying

Yes, neither proud, nor sad, nor angry, just a blank look on his face. Of course, this is understandable. No matter who it is, they will have the same expression when they see the person they trust and admire the most being defeated again and again and being beaten into a pig's head again and again.

"How long have you been beaten?" Luo Enen could understand his mood at this time and sympathized with Zhong Lingjun's tragic experience, so she didn't rub salt into his wounds and asked as if she didn't know anything.

"It's almost done." Zhong Lingjun said expressionlessly.

After waiting outside every time, he also gained experience and knew that each time Zhong Lingxiu and Gu Fenghua fought each other, the time limit was almost two hours, which was probably the limit that Zhong Lingxiu could persist. Calculating time, this limit should be reached.

"Sir, do you still have enough holy elixir?" Fu Qingjiang next to him asked worriedly, without even bothering to greet Luo Enen and others.

"Today's is enough, but tomorrow's is a bit uncertain." Zhong Lingjun's expression finally became less numb, and he said with a worried look.

"Tomorrow?" Luo Enen and Fatty Bai all looked confused.

Remember, before they started practicing, didn't Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingjun fight once every three days? Listening to this, why did the next fight become tomorrow?

"It was once every three days at first, then it became one every two days, and then it became one every day." Fu Qingjiang saw what they were wondering about and explained with a grimace, his eyes full of desolation.

Luo Enen and others gasped at the same time. They thought that Zhong Lingxiu had been ruthlessly abused by Gu Fenghua more than twenty times, and they all felt deep sympathy. Who would have thought that the first three days turned into one event every two days, and then became one event a day. Counting this way, Zhong Lingxiu had been ruthlessly abused by Gu Fenghua thirty or forty times.

It's miserable, it's really miserable. Falling into the hands of Gu Fenghua, Zhong Lingxiu was really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

This is Zhong Lingxiu. If it had been anyone else, she really wouldn't have been able to hold on. While secretly sympathizing, several people also deeply admired Zhong Lingxiu's perseverance and perseverance.

Of course, they also know that a big reason why Zhong Lingxiu can persist until now is that she was forced by Gu Fenghua to make a war agreement. Once she breaks the agreement, she will be ridiculed by the world, and even her family and teacher will suffer from her reputation. sweep the floor. But it doesn't matter if there is a war agreement, the worst is to die, everyone is dead, who cares what is ridiculed or not, if it falls into Gu Fenghua's hands, life will be worse than death.

Zhong Lingxiu didn't think about seeking death. This alone is enough to be admired.

Finally, streaks of light flashed by, and the door opened again.

Of course, the person walking in front was still Gu Fenghua, who was dressed in relaxed clothes, and behind him, of course, was still Zhong Lingxiu, who was bruised and swollen beyond recognition.

But this time, it looked like the beating was even harder than the one two months ago. Apart from the bruises on his face, you could even see the faint traces of tears on Zhong Lingxiu's face.

A powerful man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint actually cried when he was bullied. Isn't this cruel enough?

Although they had been mentally prepared for it, seeing Zhong Lingxiu's miserable appearance again made Luo Enen and others still feel sad in their hearts, and they subconsciously wanted to take out the Holy Healing Pill.

Before they could take it out, Zhong Lingjun took the lead and handed the holy elixir that had been prepared to his sister.

Zhong Lingxiu did not stretch out her hand, but looked at Gu Fenghua and said solemnly, "Tomorrow, I will challenge you again!"

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