Obviously, the reason why Zhu Tongguang ended up in such a miserable end was not just because he mistook Zhong Lingxiu for a man and took advantage of her. If she guessed correctly, she vented all the grief, anger and resentment she had accumulated in her heart for the past two months on Zhu Tongguang.

However, how much grief and resentment it takes for her to beat a living person into such a miserable state.

Although several people had no good impressions of Zhu Tongguang and even thought about teaching him a lesson personally, they couldn't help but secretly sympathize with him when they saw that thing that could hardly be called a face.

"Such a clear distinction between grudges and such ruthless attacks, you are truly worthy of being the person that I, Zhu Tongguang, like." Just as a few people were secretly sighing, Zhu Tongguang stood up tremblingly while holding on to the corner of the wall, panting and praising, The eyes that were covered with bloodshot eyes and swollen into slits actually burst out with even more burning light.

Luo Enen and the others almost fell headlong: They have been beaten like this by others, and you still don't give up!

Gu Fenghua also looked surprised: He also said that Zhong Lingxiu was a masochist. It turned out that he was wrong. This is the real masochist!

Seeing that Zhu Tongguang was not in danger, Gu Fenghua didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and walked towards the room.

"By the way Fenghua, I have already condensed the third innate holy spirit root. The gold type, beauty and colorless have also succeeded." On the way back, Luo Enen said to Gu Fenghua.

After being mercilessly beaten by Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai, she no longer had any intention of showing off and just told Gu Fenghua.

"Really? That's great. I knew you would succeed. It seems that your cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds. It won't be long before you can catch up with me." To Luo Enen's delight, hearing this good news , but Gu Fenghua was overjoyed, holding Luo Enen's hand and said excitedly.

"Fenghua, has your bloodline seal been completely opened?" Under her influence, Luo Enen's mood suddenly improved, and she asked curiously after seeing that there was no one around.

"Not yet." Gu Fenghua shook his head and replied.

"No?" Luo Enen was a little surprised: Since the bloodline seal has not been completely broken, how could Gu Fenghua let Zhong Lingxiu go so easily just now? Doesn't it make sense?

"Don't you think Zhong Lingxiu is quite pitiful? Alas, she actually didn't make any big mistakes. I can't bear to treat her like this. I can't keep..." Gu Fenghua said with a look of shame on his face. The face that was born with a somewhat delicate temperament exuded the brilliance of kindness.

"Tch..." Before he could finish his words, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai all cast contemptuous glances at him at the same time.

Others don't understand Gu Fenghua, don't they? She would feel ashamed and intolerable about such a major matter related to bloodline sealing. It was simply a joke.

"What do you mean, can't I show kindness occasionally?" Gu Fenghua said dissatisfied.

This time, everyone stopped booing, but the eyes that fell on her were even more contemptuous: It turns out that you also know that you only show kindness occasionally.

"Okay, actually there is still one last seal that has not been opened, but she has already mastered that set of sword skills. I am afraid it will be difficult for her to make any further improvements in the short term, and she won't be able to help me much. If she continues to fight, she will just It's just a waste of time." Gu Fenghua was defeated by their contemptuous looks and could only say frankly.

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