My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4896 4896 Get carried away when you are proud

Although with her dedicated "help" and "supervision", Zhong Lingxiu's potential has been stimulated to the extreme, and her understanding of the "Chaos Tiankai" sword has become deeper and deeper, but in the end, she still failed to help She broke the last seal.

Everyone's potential has its limits. In the short term, it is obviously difficult for Zhong Lingxiu to make a big breakthrough. And based on Gu Fenghua's personal experience these days, even if she comprehends all the mysteries of "Chaos Tiankai", she will probably not be able to make a big breakthrough. It was impossible to help her break the last bloodline seal. This was the real reason why Gu Fenghua decided to let her go.

"It's the last one." Luo Enen and others had known that Gu Fenghua would never be truly merciful, so they didn't feel any more contempt after hearing this, but they were all a little disappointed.

Gu Fenghua could have broken the seals of other bloodlines by relying on the seals taught by his brothers, but there was nothing he could do with this last one. If Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" could only do this, wouldn't it be meaningless? In other words, Gu Fenghua's two months of hard work have been in vain.

God forbid, don't let Zhong Lingxiu know what they are thinking at this time, otherwise she will definitely vomit three liters of blood and die of grief and anger: Hard work? Those who beat her said it was hard work, so what does it mean for me to be beaten? Are you too much of a bully?

"Although the last seal cannot be broken, her sword skills are indeed extraordinary. She can break other seals at least ten times faster than I can do it myself." Gu Fenghua himself was not very disappointed, but had a look on his face. He said happily.

In the past, breaking the seal by myself was not only slow, but also consumed a lot of holy energy and spiritual energy. How could it be so easy this time?

"That means you can pull out this divine sword again?" Luo Enen looked at the sword on Gu Fenghua's waist and asked excitedly.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua said confidently.

The power of blood accumulated in the air sea was enough for her to draw the divine sword again, even more than once.

"Hahahaha, it's a pity that we have to go to Beiyuan City, otherwise we will kill Luo Cangfeng now and let old man Changsun see how powerful you are." Luo Enen laughed a few times at first, and then said regretfully, showing his arrogance. true color.

Gu Fenghua secretly wiped away cold sweat. Although with her current cultivation level and the power of the divine sword itself, she could indeed let Changsun Luocang see her power, but it was only for a moment. She wanted to get rid of her. Changsun Luocang is simply a fool's dream. Do you really think that other people's lives at such an old age are in vain? If she didn't even have the ability to save her life, Changsun Luocang would have died countless times, and it would be her turn to show off.

As for killing Luo Cangfeng, that would be courting death. As soon as other people's protective formations were opened and the disciples swarmed forward, she would probably only have this chance to show off in her life.

Knowing that Luo Enen had the kind of temperament that got carried away when she was proud, and it was not true that she didn't even have this bit of brain, Gu Fenghua didn't try to dampen her enthusiasm, but just smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

"Then if you let Zhong Lingxiu go like this, what will you do in the future?" Ye Wuse thought more deeply and said worriedly.

With the help of Zhong Lingxiu, Gu Fenghua was able to easily break the bloodline seal this time, and accumulated the power of his bloodline to pull out the divine sword. However, the last seal was not broken, and the originally broken seal would soon be restored and closed on its own. What should I do after the power of blood is used up?

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