My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4897 4897 How can I be so capable?

"Don't worry about that, I'm not just here to beat people up these days." Gu Fenghua said confidently.

"Fenghua, you, you secretly learned Zhong Lingxiu's Chaos Tiankai?" No matter how slow Luo Enen reacted, after having been with Gu Fenghua for so long, he still quickly understood what she meant, and said in surprise, even excited I almost stuttered a little.

Of course, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse reacted faster than her, and they also raised their brows and looked at Gu Fenghua in disbelief.

They all witnessed Zhong Lingxiu's sword strike with their own eyes. Ask yourself, even if someone taught it in person, it would be difficult for them to understand its secrets in just two months. Gu Fenghua secretly learned Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills just by fighting against her again and again. This is too much. It’s unbelievable, it’s really unbelievable.

"You guys think too highly of me. I'm not that capable." Gu Fenghua said with a wry smile.

It's a good thing to be trusted by others, but if this trust is too blind, it will make her feel even more stressed. After all, she is also a human being, not a god.

Hearing what she said, Luo Enen and the others breathed a sigh of relief. If Gu Fenghua's understanding and talent were really that incredible, let alone outsiders, even a few of them would be severely beaten, and they might not even be able to get interested in practicing.

"That sword skill is so profound and exquisite that even if someone teaches it, it is not easy to understand it. But I don't need to understand the sword skill itself, I just need to understand the heaven and earth principles contained in the sword. "Gu Fenghua then explained.

The efforts of the past two months were not in vain. After concentrating and comprehending again and again, she finally understood that the blood seals were broken one after another, not because of the power of Zhong Lingxiu's sword, but because of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements of Heaven and Earth contained in it. way. Therefore, she does not need to secretly learn all the subtle mysteries of sword skills or practice the thousands of changes in them, she only needs to understand the charm of them.

Although Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills are improving every day, the later she gets, the less she understands the charm of that day. More, she still understands and integrates the sword skills itself. No matter how powerful the sword is, it will not work for her. It doesn't make any sense. This was also the fundamental reason why Gu Fenghua let her go.

"Is it easy to understand the rhythm of heaven and earth?" Luo Enen asked suspiciously.

Even if her cultivation reaches the sixth level of Emperor Sage, the charm of heaven and earth is still so ethereal and illusory to her that it is difficult to touch. In comparison, it is much easier to practice no matter how exquisite and complicated sword skills are.

Gu Fenghua's cultivation level is one level higher than hers, but is it really such a big improvement after just one level? Not only Luo Enen, but also Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, and Liu Sanjue were deeply suspicious.

"It's okay." Gu Fenghua said.

In the past, she also felt that the Tao Yun of heaven and earth was ethereal and illusory and difficult to touch. Unless she found a one-yuan heaven and earth stone like the Dao Academy that contained the Tao charm of a powerful person, she would be helpless. But this time, with the help of Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" With one sword, he understood the Yin-Yang Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, but it became extremely smooth.

Gu Fenghua guessed that this was probably related to the innate Holy Spirit root that unites the five spirits in the Pure Land of the Spiritual Heart. You must know that this innate Holy Spirit root itself is equipped with the five elements, and the principle of birth and restraint is contained in it. The power of the Holy Source and even the Holy Qi gathered from this innate Holy Spirit root naturally contain the principles of the Five Elements.

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