My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4900 4900 After beating him, he forgot about it

"The base of the formation is..." At this point, Zhu Tongguang stopped abruptly. The most critical, core and most important thing about this cloud-crossing flying boat is the formation base. Under normal circumstances, outsiders must not be allowed to know its secrets, or even the location of the formation base. Otherwise, if someone has evil intentions and destroys the formation, Basically, this cloud-crossing flying boat was completely destroyed.

But is this normal now?

The current situation is obviously extremely abnormal. Although Zhu Tongguang has some unique hobbies, he has been with Zhu Sifang since he was a child and has been influenced by his ears and eyes. He is not completely ignorant. As far as he knew, although the formation foundation of this cloud-crossing flying boat was damaged from time to time, it was also repaired from time to time. Such a situation had never happened before.

From the fact that his uncle left in a hurry with a few guards, without even him paying attention, it was enough to see how serious the situation was. Although Gu Fenghua and the others are outsiders, their cultivations at the sixth and seventh levels of the Emperor's Saint are the strongest on this cloud-crossing flying boat, so they might be able to help a lot.

At this time, of course, there is no need to care about outsiders. If the formation is really destroyed, no matter who he is, he will definitely die.

"Follow me." Looking at the cracks on the wall, Zhu Tongguang quickly made up his mind and led Gu Fenghua and others to run forward.

Gu Fenghua was secretly worried when he saw him hesitating earlier. He originally wanted to explain his relationship, but he didn't expect him to think clearly on his own so quickly. Gu Fenghua actually looked at him a few times.

Although this guy's habit of cutting off his sleeves is indeed unacceptable, he does things neatly and neatly without any sloppiness, which is a bit grand. Oh, by the way, the last time he came up with Ye Wuse's idea, it was actually the same direct and the same atmosphere, but the atmosphere was used in the wrong place.

"What happened?" Not far ahead, the door next to him opened, revealing Zhong Lingxiu's familiar face. Although he also had a bruised nose and a swollen face, his recognition was much better than that of Zhu Tongguang. Of course, this may also be because Gu Fenghua had seen too many people, so it was easier to distinguish.

While she was talking, she also saw Zhu Tongguang, but her eyes only stayed on his face for a moment, and then immediately looked away, as if she had never seen Zhu Tongguang at all, and his pig-headed face had nothing to do with her.

This is normal. Her family background is not inferior to Zhu Tongguang's, and her teacher's background is not comparable to Zhu Tongguang's. Speaking of it can scare him to death. As for her cultivation, let alone say more, Zhu Tongguang will not be able to practice for several lifetimes. Maybe in her current state, how could she take Zhu Tongguang seriously? If you don't like it, just beat it. Once you beat it, forget about it. It's that simple.

And with her cultivation and keen six senses, it is not difficult to detect the crisis she is facing at this time, and she is too lazy to waste energy on people like Zhu Tongguang.

As expected of a queen from a famous sect, such a magnanimity is truly unmatched by ordinary sect disciples. Gu Fenghua originally thought that Zhong Lingxiu was going to fight again when she saw Zhu Tongguang, and was worried that she would miss her business impulsively, but she didn't expect that she just glanced at Zhu Tongguang and looked away as if nothing had happened. surprise. But after thinking about it for a moment, I understood the reason and secretly admired it in my heart.

In contrast, Zhu Tongguang was not so calm. When he saw Zhong Lingxiu, his eyes once again showed the burning and obsessed fire. However, his whole body was shaken by her indifferent gaze, and he immediately came back to his senses and put out the fire on his own. It seemed that he was really afraid of being beaten by Zhong Lingxiu.

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