My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4901 4901 This guy has completely empathized with each other.

"There is something wrong with the formation." Zhu Tongguang hesitated for a while when facing Gu Fenghua and others, but when he came back to his senses and faced Zhong Lingxiu, he blurted out without even thinking.

With such preferential treatment, instead of being dissatisfied at all, Gu Fenghua and the others felt relieved. Sure enough, this guy completely moved on, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, especially Ye Wuse and Bai Fatty, they no longer had to worry about it.

"Array base! How about we go too..." Zhong Lingxiu said with a solemn expression. It seemed that he was indeed aware of the crisis. However, she also knew that the formation base was the foundation of this cloud-crossing flying boat, and she would never let outsiders approach it at will, or even let outsiders know its specific location.

"Come on, follow me!" Zhu Tongguang said eagerly before Zhong Lingxiu could say the word "take a look."

He wasn't even on guard against outsiders like Gu Fenghua, so how could he be on guard against Zhong Lingxiu? Well, in fact Zhong Lingxiu is also an outsider, but to Zhu Tongguang, there is obviously a difference between the two - Zhong Lingxiu is the person Zhu Tongguang likes.

Zhu Tongguang was lucky. Zhong Lingxiu didn't take him seriously at all, so he naturally couldn't guess his proud thoughts. Otherwise, he would have been greeted by another ruthless storm.

"How is this going?"

"What happened just now? Did you encounter a monster?" Of course, other people on the flying boat also noticed something strange, and rushed out of the room one after another, asking each other in confusion.

Of course no one paid attention to them at this time. Gu Fenghua, Zhong Lingxiu and others followed Zhu Tongguang and ran all the way.

"Senior Gu, Senior Gu!" someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

But there was chaos all around, but no one paid attention to him.

"Senior Gu." A figure stood in front of him, bowed slightly, and called out to Gu Fenghua respectfully.

"Who are you?" Gu Fenghua then realized that it was him he was calling.

How could he accidentally become a senior? Looking at the other party's looming gray temples, his pale eyes, and his sad beard, Gu Fenghua felt a little helpless.

The middle-aged uncle opposite was actually just as helpless. Although he was indeed not too old, he was still at least one round older than Gu Fenghua. It was really awkward to call her senior.

However, this is a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint, and his cultivation level is much higher than that of the president. After all, the president has a different status, so he can still call him Fenghua politely. He is just a guard, so he is not qualified to call him by his first name. But he didn't want to be called by his name. After thinking about it for a long time, he could only call him senior.

"Manager Zheng, why are you here?" At this time, Zhu Tongguang asked in surprise.

"The president sent me here to invite Senior Gu and all the seniors, saying that we have important matters to discuss." The middle-aged uncle opposite continued to be embarrassed. At this time, apart from the formation base, what other important things would we discuss? Gu Fenghua and others didn't ask any more questions.

"Thank you, Zheng." Gu Fenghua said politely, without any airs of seniority, which finally made the middle-aged uncle feel better.

"Everyone, please follow me." The middle-aged man led the way.

Not far away, another middle-aged man with a calm face came towards him. Seeing Zhong Lingxiu's expression, he was happy and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"No need to say more, I know everything, let's go." Before he could speak, Zhong Lingxiu waved her hand and said.

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