My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4907 4907 All the pride disappeared

"Miss Zhong is right. I used the Yunhe Tiangang Formation secretly taught by the Chamber of Commerce to forcibly suppress the power of the formation, and I was temporarily safe." Zhu Sifang also said with admiration.

"I've heard of the Yunhe Tiangang Formation." Zhong Lingxiu nodded.

Wuji Shengtian's three major chambers of commerce have all been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and of course each has its own heritage. The Yunhe Tiangang Formation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce is unparalleled in the world of formations. Zhong Lingxiu is the founder of the world of formations. Descendants of the family have certainly heard about it.

"Although the Yunhe Tiangang Formation is not as good as the Zhong family's unique formation skills, it is somewhat mysterious. Why don't I talk about a few key points first, and then Miss Zhong will take action without delay." Zhu Sifang said modestly.

After all, they will start to repair the formation soon, and they need to cooperate with each other. How can Zhong Lingxiu do it if he knows nothing about Yunhe Tiangang? Fortunately, with such cooperation, Zhong Lingxiu does not need to fully understand the Yunhe Tiangang Formation, and he does not have to worry about his ancestral secrets falling into the hands of outsiders.

"You don't have to go to such trouble. I can come alone. Follow my orders and act. If I say take action, you withdraw from the Yunhe Tiangang Formation." Zhong Lingxiu said.

"Are you alone?" Zhu Sifang looked at Zhong Lingxiu in surprise.

"Isn't it possible?" Zhong Lingxiu asked, seven golden holy beads appearing between her eyebrows with her inherent pride.

Zhu Sifang had just been thinking about the formation, but had ignored Zhong Lingxiu's own cultivation level. Only then did he realize that with Zhong Lingxiu's seventh-grade Emperor's Saint cultivation level, coupled with the Zhong family's world-famous formation skills, It should be enough for one person to take action, and he really doesn't need his help.

However, Zhu Sifang still felt uneasy because the lives and deaths of so many people depended on her alone.

"Miss Zhong..." Zhu Sifang wanted to persuade him a few more words.

"President Zhu, there's no need to say anything more, it's settled." Zhong Lingxiu said in a tone that could not be argued.

"Okay, then there is Miss Lao Zhong. I will follow your orders in a moment. After this incident, I, the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, will be very grateful." Seeing her being so determined, Zhu Sifang knew that talking more would be useless, so he could only nod helplessly.

"I'm doing it for my own safety, so there's no need to thank you." Zhong Lingxiu said calmly.

With her family background and her sect’s background, how could she take Yunhe Chamber of Commerce’s gratitude seriously? While speaking, Zhong Ling's delicate and elegant face naturally showed a bit of pride.

After saying that, Zhong Lingxiu concentrated her mind and circulated the holy energy again, preparing to make hand seals.

"Wait." At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Lingxiu became impatient after being interrupted again and again.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet, why don't you heal it first?" Gu Fenghua said this while handing over the holy elixir.

"It's just a minor injury." Zhong Lingxiu then remembered that when she just left the martial arts arena, she was only focused on challenging Gu Fenghua and indeed forgot to take the healing pill. However, Gu Fenghua was very measured every time he made a move and never hurt her. She had long been used to the pain in her meridians, so she didn't take this flesh injury to heart.

"Although the injury is not serious, it doesn't look good after all." Gu Fenghua looked around Zhong Lingxiu's face, pointing to his left eye, then to his right eye, and then to his nose.

Zhong Lingxiu's face suddenly darkened, and all her pride disappeared. Although the injury was indeed not serious, it was still at the hands of a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint. If she did not take the holy elixir in time, it would not be easy to recover. Even without looking in the mirror, she could imagine that her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. appearance.

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