My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4908 4908 Am I familiar with you?

Now that you are like this, would you look idiotic if you still act cool and arrogant in front of others? Zhong Lingxiu's dark face began to turn red and hot again.

Strange, why can't you see any surprise on these people's faces? As long as there is a little bit of strangeness in their expressions, I won't make such a fool of myself. Haven't you seen it? But how is this possible? No matter how old you are, you won't be so blind, right? Zhong Lingxiu looked at Zhong Lingjun depressedly, then at Zhu Sifang and the formation masters.

Zhong Lingjun looked confused, obviously not understanding his sister's depressed eyes. There was nothing he could do about it. He was used to seeing his sister with bruises and swollen face these days. He had almost forgotten her original appearance, so he didn't feel that there was anything embarrassing about his sister's words and deeds just now.

Zhu Sifang and others coughed dryly and turned their heads to avoid Zhong Lingxiu's sight.

They were not blind, so of course they saw the bruises on Zhong Lingxiu's face. However, Zhong Lingxiu and Gu Fenghua had frequently fought against each other in the past two months, and the fact that they were beaten horribly every one or two days had long been spread. They had heard about it, and of course they would not be surprised if they saw it with their own eyes, even if it was a little bit Even small surprises will be covered up well, so as not to make Zhong Lingxiu unable to get off the stage. After all, she is a descendant of the Zhong family, and she is extremely talented and has a bright future. No one wants to bring trouble to herself.

Although no one spoke, Zhong Lingxiu guessed what was going on when she saw the evasive glances of Zhu Sifang and others, and felt sad again in her heart. Now that Zhu Sifang and others knew about it, everyone else on the Duyun Feizhou must also know about it. If this spread, how could she have the face to see others.

"Hurry up, don't miss the main thing." Gu Fenghua urged when he saw that Zhong Lingxiu's face was turning green, red and white, and her whole body was trembling slightly, but she still didn't reach out.

Zhong Lingxiu glanced at Gu Fenghua with a lively look. She didn't want to accept it at first, but then she thought about it. She wanted to regain her confidence and face. Her best opportunity was right in front of her. There was no room for any mistakes. Besides, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. It didn't look good, so I reached out and took the elixir bottle. Without even looking at it, I opened the cap and drank the few holy elixirs inside.

"Mr. President, although Lingxiu has good cultivation and the skills of formations passed down from his family cannot be underestimated, we still cannot be careless. It is not a bad thing to take more precautions." It will take some time to refine the power of the elixir, Gu Fenghua took advantage of it Idle, he said to Zhu Sifang again.

Smart and beautiful? Hearing this title, some people didn't know how good and intimate her relationship with Zhong Lingxiu was.

"Hey, do I know you very well?" Zhong Lingxiu suddenly felt irritated and couldn't help but say.

"Aren't you familiar? I thought we were already very familiar." Gu Fenghua looked at Zhong Lingxiu's face, then lowered his head to look at his hands, and said doubtfully.

She didn't know how many times she had been in close contact with Zhong Lingxiu's face these days. If this wasn't familiar, how could it be considered familiar? Fortunately, both of them are women, and the guard between men and women in Wuji Shengtian is not too strict. Otherwise, with their situation, it would have been either her or him to marry.

Zhong Lingxiu was about to cry again. Although Gu Fenghua's words were unclear, she knew what Gu Fenghua's words meant just by looking at her eyes. If you put it this way, she and Gu Fenghua are really "intimate".

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