My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4909 4909 This is exactly the result she wants

Zhong Lingxiu suddenly wondered if she should just destroy the formation base and die together with her.

Fortunately, as a strong person of the seventh level of Emperor Saint, her mind was indeed much tougher than that of ordinary Saint Masters, and she finally gave up the idea of ​​giving up on herself.

In fact, she was not only dissatisfied with Gu Fenghua's words just now, but also the "intimate" title of Lingxiu. The following content made her even more dissatisfied. With her strength, coupled with the Zhong family's formation skills, repairing this formation foundation is foolproof, so what precautions are needed? Since she is determined to rely on the art of formation to regain her confidence and dignity, how can she allow others to interfere?

Unfortunately, she just retorted and was beaten completely by Gu Fenghua again. Of course, if she had to retort later, she would never be able to say it again.

Forget it, let them do whatever they want. Anyway, they don't have a chance to take action, so just do what they should do. Zhong Lingxiu took a deep breath, closed her six senses, especially her ear sense, and began to concentrate on refining the power of the elixir.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua smiled slightly. This is exactly the result she wants.

She had already seen clearly what Zhong Lingxiu was thinking, and she also knew that her proposal would definitely make Zhong Lingxiu dissatisfied and even resolutely oppose it. At this critical moment, she didn't bother to argue with her. With a simple sentence and two meaningful looks, she killed Zhong Lingxiu instantly. How great.

"President, seniors, what do you think of the proposal I just made?" Gu Fenghua said to Zhu Sifang and others.

"Be careful with the ten thousand year ship. It's best to take more precautions." Zhu Sifang was originally worried that Zhong Lingxiu would take action alone, and Gu Fenghua's words were exactly what he wanted. Initially, she was worried that Zhong Lingxiu would object for the sake of face, but when she saw that she was easily killed by Gu Fenghua with just one word, she finally felt relieved and quickly nodded in agreement, and then asked, "I wonder if Fenghua has any way of preventing her."

"I don't have any good ideas. Why not use the Yunhe Tiangang Formation? I just don't know if it's suitable." Gu Fenghua said.

It has to be said that Zhong Lingxiu's self-confidence actually also has the capital of her self-confidence. Her views on formations are almost exactly the same as Gu Fenghua's. The only difference is that she underestimated the seriously damaged formations. From Gu Fenghua's perspective, it was not easy to repair those formations, but other than that, Gu Fenghua thought he was not much better than her. So for a while, she couldn't think of a way to suppress the power of the formation.

"What's inappropriate about this? That's why I invited you here." Zhu Sifang smiled cheerfully.

Then, Zhu Sicong explained several key points of the Yunhe Tiangang Formation in detail, and also explained the real purpose of his invitation to Gu Fenghua and others.

After listening to his words, Gu Fenghua realized that Zhu Sifang was not very sure about restoring the base of the formation, and with his strength, he was actually unable to maximize the power of the Yunhe Gang Formation. When he asked them to come over, he made two plans: it would be best if he could restore the formation base. If not, he would use everyone's strength to forcibly suppress the power of the formation, then open the cloud-crossing flying boat and send everyone to escape first.

As for whether we can find a way to repair the formation base after that, and whether we can save the Yundu Feizhou, we can only leave it to fate.

Of course, the Yunhe Tiangang Formation is also mysterious and complicated, but it is not difficult to master only a few key points and does not need to understand the entire formation. Zhu Sifang only said it once, and Gu Fenghua and the formation masters Know it in your chest.

At this time, Zhong Lingxiu also refined her elixir power and opened her eyes. However, she did not rush to repair the formation, but looked at Gu Fenghua doubtfully.

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