My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4912 4912Aren’t you jealous?

After suppressing the power of the chaotic formations in the formation base, the next step was to repair the damaged formations. There are thousands of formations contained in the formation base. Of course, not every one of them can be exquisite. The ones that were destroyed happened to be the simplest among them. It is certainly not difficult for Zhong Lingxiu to repair such a formation. After only a slight pause, she continued to make hand seals with a relaxed expression.

While quickly making hand seals, Zhong Lingxiu even had time to glance at Gu Fenghua, with a proud smile on her lips: "In terms of sword skills, I am indeed no match for you, but when it comes to cultivation, we are both at the seventh level of Emperor Saint. I'm not any worse than you, but when it comes to this formation technique, you don't believe you can beat me. Formation is also a part of strength. If we really compare, who is stronger and who is weaker? It’s hard to say.”

Thinking this in her heart, she suddenly regretted that she had fought with Gu Fenghua a few days ago. Why did she just fight her swordsmanship with her, and didn't know how to borrow the formation, which was originally a major advantage of hers.

Of course it's too late to regret now, but there is no problem in proving one's strength and regaining dignity in front of outsiders. Zhong Lingxiu's expression became more and more confident, and her handprints became faster and faster.

I have to say that her confidence is justified. As the runes flew out, the destroyed formations in the formation base flashed with strange light. The chaotic power of the formation in the formation base actually Gradually, calm began to return.

Several formation masters had not seen which formations were at fault before, but now they finally understood. Seeing that the formation was being repaired rapidly, their nervous mood finally calmed down completely.

"Seniors, be careful, don't be careless." At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly said.

Not only those formation masters, but also Zhu Sifang was slightly startled. Looking at the current situation, repairing such a simple formation is obviously foolproof for Zhong Lingxiu. Even with her eyes closed, failure is harder than success. What else is there to worry about?

However, Gu Fenghua's cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint was displayed there. They couldn't pretend they didn't hear her words, but concentrated their minds and were ready to take action at any time.

"A powerful man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint is so cautious and prudent, which is really admirable and admirable." Zhu Sifang and the others did not say anything, but Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Even a blind person can see that these few formations can be repaired like new with her eyes closed. However, Gu Fenghua poured cold water on it at this time. He was obviously jealous of her formation skills and did not want to give her a chance to shine.

"Sister, don't be distracted, let them see how powerful our Zhong family's formation techniques are." Zhong Lingjun reminded.

He didn't know what Zhong Lingxiu was thinking, but his eyesight was limited and he couldn't see that those formations were only a few steps away from being completely repaired. His heart was in his throat, for fear that his sister would be careless and miss.

"Don't worry, it's just a few formations. Sister, when I was three years old..." Zhong Lingxiu casually made the last few hand seals, turned around and said disapprovingly, and glanced at Gu Fenghua provocatively.

Aren't you jealous and don't you want to give me a chance to shine? It's a pity, these formations are too simple. I want to be in the limelight. Can you stop me if you want? The proud smile on the corner of Zhong Lingxiu's mouth has turned into disdain and contempt.

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