My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4913 4913 Thanks to Miss Gu for reminding me

"Sister, be careful!"

"Miss, be careful!" Before Zhong Lingxiu finished speaking, Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang exclaimed at the same time.

Zhong Lingxiu looked towards them subconsciously, and saw that the two of them looked horrified, and their faces turned pale with fear. In her heart, she suddenly felt uneasy that she shouldn't have, and she turned her head sharply.

In the formation base, those formations that she thought were extremely simple suddenly appeared cracks one after another. The power of the formations that she had suppressed before became surging again, like a huge wave, heading towards her. Come tumbling.

How could this happen? With her formation skills, shouldn't it be possible to repair such a simple formation without fail? How could it fail? Could it be that there was an error in the last few fingerprints? But how could such a simple handprint go wrong? Staring at the scene in front of her in stunned silence, Zhong Lingxiu's mind was at a loss.

"Do it!" Gu Fenghua shouted.

Zhu Sifang and several formation masters made hand seals and at the same time injected holy energy into the formation points under their feet. Shields condensed with holy energy also emerged outside their bodies.

The power of the chaotic formation surged forward, and within the shield, several people were staggered. But at the same time, the Yunhe Tiangang Formation was successfully activated. Outside the base of the formation, another rune flickered. The chaotic power of the formation soon returned to calm, and several people finally stabilized their figures.

All this happened in an instant. Even before Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang came to their senses, the formation base had returned to its previous state. But when it all ended, Zhu Sifang and others were sweating profusely and their fingers were trembling slightly.

"Fortunately, fortunately I was prepared in advance." Zhu Sifang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.

This time, the power of the formation in the formation base was more chaotic and more powerful than last time. If they had not been prepared in advance and activated the Yunhe Tiangang Formation in time, they would have been unable to escape.

"Yes, thanks to Miss Gu's reminder, otherwise we would definitely make a big mistake." Several formation masters also said with lingering fear, looking at Gu Fenghua with gratitude in their eyes.

Just now they saw how easily Zhong Lingxiu repaired the formation, and they all relaxed their vigilance. Gu Fenghua reminded them that they were still a little disapproving. It was only because of her seventh-grade Emperor Saint cultivation that they had to deal with it carefully. Only then did they realize how timely Gu Fenghua's reminder was.

If they had not been prepared in advance, they would not have had time to activate the Yunhe Tiangang Formation in such a hurry. The chaotic power of the formation would explode and the entire formation would be destroyed. By then, Gu Fenghua, with the strength of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, There may be a glimmer of hope, but they are certain to die!

Although all this happened very briefly, and in the eyes of others, it did not seem to be very dangerous, Zhu Sifang and several formation masters knew that in that blink of an eye, they had actually passed through the gate of hell. suffered.

"Sister!" When Zhu Sifang and several formation masters were sighing with emotion, Zhong Lingjun exclaimed again, turned around and rushed out.

Only then did everyone realize that Zhong Lingxiu, who was standing in front of the formation base, had disappeared. They turned around and saw a figure with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and a big bulge on his forehead, standing up unsteadily while holding on to the wall. , and upon closer inspection, a large dent appeared vaguely on the wall.

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