My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4914 4914 I was careless, come again!

It seemed that Gu Fenghua's few Jade Dew Emperor Qing Pills were in vain. Zhu Sifang and several formation masters were secretly distressed.

Zhong Lingxiu's collision was obviously serious, and she stared at the formation in front of her with dull eyes, not even realizing that two nosebleeds were gushing out.

"By the way, what did you want to say just now? What happened to the age of three?" Gu Fenghua asked jokingly.

Zhong Lingxiu finally woke up as if from a dream. Her face, which was originally covered in bruises, turned red like burning charcoal.

She originally wanted to talk about just a few formations, but she was already able to control them freely when she was three years old. Who knew something went wrong before she finished speaking.

Fortunately, fortunately, the words are not finished yet. Zhong Lingxiu thought to herself, feeling a little lucky.

However, judging from this result, does it make any difference whether the sentence is finished or not? Her rejoicing was nothing more than self-comfort.

"You were careless, come again!" Zhong Lingxiu was not a fool. How could he not hear the ridicule in Gu Fenghua's question? Of course he would not answer, pretending not to hear anything, and took the healing pill handed to him by his brother and quickly drank it. , walked up quickly again.

She had made up her mind to defeat Gu Fenghua once with the help of formation techniques so as to regain her confidence and dignity. How could she give up so easily?

"Are you coming?" Zhu Sifang and several formation masters were startled. Thinking about the situation just now, I felt scared. How could they dare to entrust their lives to Zhong Lingxiu's hands again.

"It was just a momentary carelessness. Don't you still believe in my Zhong family's unique formation skills?" Zhong Lingxiu said.

After much thought, she couldn't figure out how she could fail. In the end, it could only be attributed to carelessness.

"Believe you, I believe you will die so early that there will be no scum left." Zhu Sifang and others secretly cursed. Thinking about the background of the Zhong family, they finally did not say it out loud.

Judging from Zhong Lingxiu's performance at the beginning, Zhu Sifang and others did not dare to have any doubts about the Zhong family's unique formation skills, but thinking about the terrifying scene at the end, they did not dare to risk their lives. Several people looked at each other, and finally turned their attention to Gu Fenghua.

"Then let's do it again." Gu Fenghua said.

Frankly speaking, there was nothing subtle about those formations, and there was absolutely no error in Zhong Lingxiu's formations. Even she didn't understand why the last step suddenly failed. Since he couldn't understand, Gu Fenghua certainly wouldn't take action rashly. It would be best if Zhong Lingxiu was willing to try it a few more times. She could also take this opportunity to think about it carefully.

"Okay, let's do it again." Zhu Sifang and several formation masters nodded at the same time.

No matter what, the formation base still had to be found to be repaired. They could not trust Zhong Lingxiu, but they had no doubts about Gu Fenghua. After all, a few people had wandered around the gate of hell just now. If Gu Fenghua hadn't reminded them in time, it would have been a question of whether they could have preserved their bodies, let alone their lives.

Seeing their suspicion of herself and their unreserved trust in Gu Fenghua, Zhong Lingxiu inevitably felt depressed again.

"You must be careful this time, you must be careful, you must not be careless, you must not be careless!" Zhong Lingxiu reminded herself secretly, and once again concentrated her mind to circulate the holy energy.

In comparison, she took much longer to prepare this time. There was no other way. She was originally counting on relying on the Zhong family's unique formation skills to become a blockbuster and overpower Gu Fenghua. Who knew that she would be disgraced as soon as she came up? Although Zhu Sifang and others did not say it clearly, they had obviously doubted her. If she failed again this time, she might never be able to see anyone again.

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