My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4915 4915She has been enduring it for a long time

"Start." After a long time, Zhong Lingxiu opened her eyes again and made a hand seal.

Zhu Sifang was well prepared, and almost at the same time she opened her mouth, he made a hand seal and closed the Yunhe Tiangang Formation.

The runes flickered, the formations fell, and the chaotic and almost violent power of the formations was once again suppressed. Next, it was time to repair the damaged formations.

The formation has not changed, and Zhong Lingxiu's handprints have not changed either. However, she has just suffered a lot, and she no longer dares to be careless. Every handprint is done meticulously, so perfect that even the most picky formation master in the world cannot find it. Not even the slightest flaw.

Her efforts were not in vain. The damaged and cracked formations were quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the chaotic power of the formations in the formation base was calmed down again.

As the saying goes, brilliance comes from the ordinary. Although there is nothing extraordinary about these formations, and Zhong Lingxiu's handprints appear simple, Zhu Sifang and several formation masters still saw the extraordinary in them: The runes flew out from the fingers, sometimes flying like colorful butterflies, sometimes like dragonflies touching the water, and sometimes blooming like brocade and extremely gorgeous.

They know that even though this hand seal looks simple, if it were them, they would never be able to move it freely in their lifetime, let alone be able to perform it so beautifully.

Unconsciously, several people's minds were immersed in it.

"Seniors, be careful! Lingxiu, be careful too." Gu Fenghua's voice sounded again.

Zhu Sifang and others suddenly woke up. Although Zhong Lingxiu's formation handprints were more perfect than last time, and the current situation seemed to be great, but until the last moment, who knew what the outcome would be. The lessons learned just now were there. How could you be so careless at such a critical moment?

Several people quickly put aside their distracting thoughts, silently transporting the holy energy and focusing on it.

Come again! Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Zhong Lingxiu felt irritable in her heart, especially the word "Lingxiu" that showed "intimate intimacy" made her even more irritable.

This time, she concentrated her concentration and put all her thought into every hand seal. Even she felt it was perfect. She didn't believe it. What else could go wrong?

This Gu Fenghua wouldn't deliberately distract me, would he? Thinking of this, Zhong Lingxiu's heart trembled, she quickly suppressed her irritable mood and continued to make hand seals meticulously.

There was also a sneer of disdain on the corner of her mouth: Huh, if you want to distract me, Zhong Lingxiu, you are underestimating my hard work over the years. Don't forget, I am also a strong person in the seventh level of Emperor Saint. Why? Maybe he is so weak-minded.

"Huh!" Finally, as the last handprint was completed, a rune flew out with a moving beauty, and Zhong Lingxiu let out a long breath.

Perfect, from beginning to end, every handprint is so perfect, and even more perfect when connected together. Even in her life, she has never performed so perfectly.

"Gu Fenghua, thank you for your trouble, but this time, your worries seem to be unnecessary..." Zhong Lingxiu turned her head impatiently and said sarcastically to Gu Fenghua.

When she said the last word "oh", she specially lengthened her tone. She has endured this sentence for a long time, and she would feel sorry for herself if she didn't have a little more aftertaste.

"Sister, be careful!"

"Miss, be careful!" At this moment, Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang exclaimed again.

How can this be? This time, he clearly devoted all his attention to every formation and every hand seal, and his control of the holy energy was also superb. Why did he still fail? Looking at the broken formations—those extremely simple formations that she could control freely at the age of three, Zhong Lingxiu was at a loss again.

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