The previous two times, when she thought she was done at the last moment, she was actually distracted. Thinking about it carefully, the reason why she missed was probably because of the distraction at that moment. So this time, she learned from the experience and was focused from beginning to end. She didn't relax even until the last rune flew into the formation.

Zhong Lingxiu believes that even if her father or master takes action in person, they will not do better than herself!

Success, finally success! After seeing the last rune disappear into the formation, Zhong Lingxiu looked towards Gu Fenghua.

Although she was still bruised and bruised, the long-lost confidence still appeared on her face.

She finally proved her strength and could finally let everyone know that although her sword skills were not as good as Gu Fenghua's, her formation skills were definitely not comparable to Gu Fenghua's. She is beautiful and will never be weaker than anyone, including Gu Fenghua!

"Sister, be careful!"

"Miss, be careful!" At this moment, Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang exclaimed for the third time.

The familiar voice, the familiar exclamation, sounded in my ears at this moment as urgent and urgent as a reminder, sending chills all over my body. Zhong Lingxiu felt her scalp numb and her body shivered involuntarily.

Did it fail again? No, it won't, they exclaimed, it must be because of something else. Zhong Lingxiu thought almost like a prayer.

Unfortunately, wishes are beautiful, but reality is often cruel.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw that the newly repaired formations in the formation base cracked again, and the chaotic and violent formation power seemed to have substance and surged towards her again.

With almost no suspense, Zhong Lingxiu groaned and flew out again.

This time, Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang were no longer in a daze. Almost at the same time as Zhong Lingxiu flew out, they also rushed out and blocked her. After two consecutive failures, Zhong Lingxiu was already seriously injured. If she hits the wall again this time, God knows what kind of injuries she will get.

Others didn't care about Zhong Lingxiu's life or death. Seeing the power of the formation that was as solid as substance, the expressions of several formation masters changed dramatically. This time the formation broke, and the power of the formation that came out was more than twice as strong as the last time. There is no problem for Gu Fenghua and the five of them to activate the Yunhe Tiangang Formation alone, but can they suppress the power of this chaotic formation?

Subconsciously, several people started to move towards the vacant positions at the same time, hoping to help Gu Fenghua and others.

At this moment, the talisman light flashed in front of his eyes, and a formation fell from the sky, quickly enveloping the base of the formation together with the violent and chaotic power of the formation.

"Is it done so quickly?" All the formation masters were stunned.

The last time they opened the Yunhe Tiangang Formation, they had to use all their strength every time they made a hand seal. Of course, they couldn't go any faster. But this time, before they could react, Gu Fenghua and the others had successfully opened the formation. Law.

Although they are indeed very strong, their number is less than half. After careful calculation, the five of them working together may not be any stronger than the previous ten people working together. How on earth is this done?

"Hey!" Everyone's eyes quickly swept over Gu Fenghua and the others, and soon, someone exclaimed.

After making the first two simplest hand seals, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse stopped unexpectedly. While injecting holy energy into the formation points under their feet, they continuously set up shields around themselves, and not only around themselves. Put up a shield, and at the same time put up a shield around Liu Sanjue.

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