Of course, they don't know Liu Sanjue's true identity now and only regard him as Gu Fenghua's domestic servant. The reason is simple. The old man has been following Gu Fenghua step by step and is the most respectful to her.

At this time, the screams of surprise were mainly caused by this servant.

I saw this servant, who had never been looked at by anyone, making magic seals with both hands at the same time. His movements were so smooth and steady, as if he had practiced it thousands of times.

And the handprint he made was of course the Yunhe Tiangang Seal that Zhu Sifang had taught everyone before.

If you want to activate the Yunhe Tiangang Formation, of course you not only have to find a formation point, and then inject the holy energy into it regardless of the matter, you must also match it with the corresponding hand seals, otherwise Zhu Sifang will not specifically invite the formations from the major holy sects. The master came to help. At this time, the servant not only produced his own formation fingerprints, but also the formation fingerprints that were supposed to be taken by Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse.

Runes danced along with the changing handprints, whirling outside the bodies of Luo Enen and the others, and injected into the formation points along with their holy energy.

In other words, he alone had all the handprints of himself, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse. No wonder Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse didn't take action. They just tried their best to inject holy energy into the formation. Such a magical formation technique, not to mention the few formation masters who were watching, even Zhu Everyone in all directions feels ashamed.

It turned out that this servant of the Gu family was actually a formation master, and he had been underestimated before. Everyone sighed with emotion, and looked at Gu Fenghua again, and saw that she had a calm look on her face and was making a series of hand seals. Judging from the ease with which she looked, it was obvious that her formation strength was not weak.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Don't worry, everyone." At this moment, everyone was completely relieved, and someone said with a long sigh of relief.

Obviously, with the formation skills of this servant of the Gu family, coupled with Gu Fenghua's skills, and the cultivation of the sixth-grade Emperor Saints of Luo Enen and others, there will definitely be no problem in opening the Yunhe Tiangang Formation. Even if the formation base cannot be repaired in the end, as long as the power of the formation is suppressed, there is still no problem in surviving.

Just from a quick glance, they didn't see anything unusual about Gu Fenghua's formation handprints, and thought she was doing something to the servants.

"No, no." At this moment, Zhu Sifang said suddenly, with a somewhat confused and solemn expression.

"What's wrong?" The hearts of several formation masters who had just settled down suddenly became anxious again.

"Fenghua didn't use the Yunhe Tiangang Seal." Zhu Sifang said.

The Yunhe Tiangang Seal he was talking about was the formation mudra used to open the Yunhe Tiangang Formation. Others were new to the practice and didn't see any clues. He had been practicing for many years, but he quickly saw that Gu Fenghua was successively What was struck was definitely not the Yunhe Tiangang Seal.

"Ah!" Everyone was shocked. Looking carefully, it turns out that the handprint Gu Fenghua made at this time was completely different from the Yunhe Tiangang seal they had used before.

"She, what is she doing?" Several people looked at each other and became nervous again.

Once the foundation of this formation is destroyed, few people on the Yundu Feizhou will be able to save their lives. Even Gu Fenghua herself has a very slim chance of escaping unharmed. At this critical moment, if she does not assist her servants in opening the Yunhe Tiangang Formation, What do you want to do?

"She is repairing the formation base." Zhu Sifang's formation skills were much better than theirs, and he quickly saw Gu Fenghua's intention.

"What!" Several formation masters widened their eyes.

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