My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4926 4926 I don’t dare to think about it anymore.

Compared with those formation masters, she is stronger and has better eyesight, so she also understands better that although Gu Fenghua's hand seals look very familiar, the order of the shots and the holy energy contained in each hand seal, In fact, they are all extremely subtle.

If it were him, he wouldn't have been able to integrate several completely different formations and hand seals to this point without ten days and a half of effort.

If you lose, you still lose after all. Not only was her swordsmanship unmatched by Gu Fenghua's, but even the most arrogant formation was trampled under her feet. Zhong Lingxiu looked at Gu Fenghua in despair, her last hope completely shattered.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's simple yet natural handprints, Zhu Sifang and several formation masters were so impressed that even Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but show admiration in her eyes.

No matter how unwilling and desperate she felt, she had to admit that unless she could slow down her practice and focus all her attention on the formation technique, she would never be able to catch up with Gu Fenghua's formation technique.

However, can we really catch up with her if we slow down our practice and focus on the formation? Don't forget that Gu Fenghua is also at the seventh level of Emperor Saint, and her sword skills are far superior to hers. She has not neglected her training because of studying the formation rules.

Zhong Lingxiu didn't dare to think about it anymore, because the more she thought about it, the more desperate she became.

Gu Fenghua didn't notice the admiration or despair in the eyes of Zhu Sifang, Zhong Lingxiu and others. He just concentrated on it, flying fingers of his hands and making fingerprints continuously.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the runes flying out are like a meteor shower, falling into the formation quickly, giving people a feeling of ease. However, her mood was by no means as relaxed as it looked on the surface.

No, this formation is wrong!

The authorities were confused and the onlookers knew clearly. Zhong Lingxiu failed three times in a row and she was completely confused. Gu Fenghua relied on her three failures to easily see the mystery hidden in these formations and figured out how to repair them. The repair process seemed to be smooth sailing, but Gu Fenghua noticed something was wrong.

These formations are separated from each other, but they complement each other and form an integrated whole. Their mystery and exquisiteness are indeed amazing, and there is no need to doubt the mystery of the entire formation base. However, as the formations are gradually repaired, her understanding of the principles is getting better and better. The deeper she goes, the more she can be sure that this formation base alone will never be able to form such a chaotic and violent formation.

Where does the power of this formation come from, and what is wrong with it? Gu Fenghua thought carefully, and couldn't help but think of the rough, vast and distant beast roar without any emotion.

Finally, the last hand seal was finished, and hundreds of runes were sprinkled down at the same time. Several damaged formations were completely repaired as new, and the chaotic and violent power of the formation flowed orderly through the formation base, quickly becoming calm. Come down.

Success? Zhu Sifang and several formation masters all looked excited, but because of Zhong Lingxiu's previous lesson, they did not rush to speak, but tried hard to stay calm.

After waiting for a while, there was no change in the formation base. It was obvious that it was completely repaired, and everyone quickly stepped forward.

"I didn't expect that Miss Gu not only has extraordinary cultivation, but also has such formation skills!" A formation master said with emotion.

"It would be an exaggeration to say that this kind of formation technique belongs to a generation of formation masters." Another formation master was also impressed with his admiration.

"Is it in vain that I usually think of myself as a master of formations, but now I know that there are people outside the world and there is a heaven outside the world?" Someone else said with shame.

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