My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4927 4927 I must explain it.

"By the way, I haven't asked you how to address this old gentleman yet?" While praising Gu Fenghua, everyone did not forget Liu Sanjue, someone asked politely.

Previously, Liu Sanjue took over the formation seals of four people by himself, and everyone felt ashamed of themselves. Of course, they would not look down upon him in the slightest.

"I'm Liu Shang." Finally, no one ignored him anymore. Liu Sanjue was in a good mood, but he still habitually held the magic stick in his hand, straightened his back, smiled and nodded, and said reservedly.

"It turns out to be Master Liu, disrespect, disrespect!" I have to say that once Liu Shengun picked up the shelf, he really had the bearing of a senior. The man was even more awe-struck when he saw it, and he quickly raised his hand and said.

As a result, Liu Sanjue became even more proud, his waist became straighter and his expression became more reserved.

"A domestic servant has such magnanimity. It's no wonder that Miss Gu has such strength at such a young age. Such formation skills are amazing and amazing." Someone next to him whispered, looking at Gu Fenghua with more eyes. Some respect.

As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to roost in, and a wise minister chooses his master to serve. Under the background of Liu Sanjue, a powerful "domestic servant", Gu Fenghua's light shines even more dazzlingly.

The smile on Liu Sanjue's face suddenly froze, and his waist slumped. After talking for a long time, why are you still a servant? All reserve and magnanimity were gone in an instant.

No, I must explain it. Otherwise, when someone recognizes his identity, where will his dignity as a master of the three arts be?

"Fenghua, thank you for today. This kindness and virtue will be unforgettable by everyone in our Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. I specially prepared a small gift, and I hope Fenghua won't dislike it." Liu Sanjue was about to speak when he saw Zhu Sifang He took a step forward, took out a storage bracelet, and said gratefully to Gu Fenghua.

There was no seal or restriction on the storage bracelet, so everyone subconsciously gathered their thoughts to investigate, and then they all looked shocked.

In this space bracelet, there are tens of millions of high-grade Holy Spirit Stones, thousands of exotic flowers and plants of different types, and nearly ten thousand kinds of fine gold and mithril. After all, its value even far exceeds those thousands. Top-grade Holy Spirit Stone.

Although they are all from the Holy Sect, they have never seen such a big deal. Asking themselves, even the Holy Sect behind them would find it difficult to come up with so many high-grade Holy Spirit Stones, so many exotic flowers, and so many exotic plants at once. Even if you can barely get the fine gold and mithril, it will definitely be powerful and even damage the foundation of the sect.

However, after thinking about what Gu Fenghua had done before, they felt relieved again. Seeing Zhong Lingxiu's repeated failures, Zhu Sifang must have been ready to give up the flying boat, just to keep everyone on board safe. Gu Fenghua repaired the formation base as soon as he took action, not only saving the lives of the powerful men on the ship, but also saving the Yundu Feizhou. Their lives, coupled with the value of the cloud-crossing flying boat itself, are they not as valuable as a little Holy Spirit Stone, a little exotic flowers and rare herbs, a little fine gold and mithril?

"Mr. President, does this Cloud Crossing Flying Boat have more than one formation base?" Surprisingly, Gu Fenghua didn't reach out, or even take a second look, but said solemnly.

"How did you know?" Zhu Sifang was shocked.

"What, there is another formation base!" Zhu Sifang's surprised look had already given the answer. Everyone in the venue was also surprised, including Zhong Lingxiu.

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