My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4929 4929Now I finally know the answer

"Master President!" All the formation masters shouted in unison.

If the formation base is broken, shouldn't we find a way to repair it immediately? It's fine if he doesn't repair the formation base. Instead, he draws his sword and attacks fiercely. Isn't this because he doesn't want to die quickly enough? You can die if you want, I won't stop you, but don't hold us back.

Frightened, frightened and anxious, several people's faces turned pale with fright. However, such horror did not last long, and soon they understood the intention of Zhu Sifang's move.

In the crack, a beast shadow quickly emerged. Although they couldn't see the whole picture and didn't know what kind of monster it was, everyone guessed that the change at this time must be related to this monster. Once it got out of the cracks, the two formation bases would probably be destroyed. Once, by that time, they will certainly die.

As expected of the elders of the Holy Sect, they understood Zhu Sifang's intention. They immediately calmed down, drew their swords at the same time, and followed Zhu Sifang to attack the monster.

Their strength was already slightly inferior to Zhu Sifang's, so they started a step too late. When they were halfway through the flight, Zhu Sifang's sword had already cut into the crack.

With the loud "boom", Zhu Sifang's whole body was shaken, and he was thrown upside down. Finally, he slammed into the wall and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The powerful power of the demon spirit erupted like a volcano again, rushing in all directions, making a sharp howling sound, and several formation masters were unable to move even half a step forward.

After all, Zhu Sifang's sword failed to block the monster. It poked its head out from the crack and slowly glanced around. Although the beast's body had not yet been seen, it still gave people a sense of supreme majesty. feel.

"Qiongqi!" Several formation masters shouted in unison, their voices trembling slightly.

Qiongqi is also one of the twelve ferocious beasts in the legend, but its strength far exceeds that of the other ferocious beasts, ranking first among the twelve ferocious beasts along with Taotie, Chaos, and Taotie.

To put it into detail, these four ferocious beasts are actually not on the same level as the other eight ferocious beasts. Even powerful ancient beasts like Yuqi can only bow their heads in front of these four ferocious beasts. The world Just to save trouble, they are collectively called the Twelve Ferocious Beasts.

Since the end of the world-destroying disaster, the Qiongqi clan, like many other ancient monster races, has completely disappeared from the Wuji Holy Heaven. No one thought that there was a strange and ferocious beast hidden in the formation base of this cloud-crossing flying boat.

Could it be that the reason why this cloud-crossing flying boat can travel through the spiritual realm without relying on the spiritual power of heaven and earth relies not on the Holy Spirit Stone, but on this Qiongqi? Several formation masters had a flash of inspiration in their minds at the same time.

The situation in the Lingji Realm is special. Other cloud-crossing flying boats can pass through Tianji Realm and Xuanji Realm without hindrance, but once they reach the Lingji Realm, they are unable to move. The only exception is the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce's cloud-crossing flying boat. Therefore, a long time ago, someone I'm curious, what exactly does this cloud-crossing flying boat rely on to propel itself? Is it really just a formation? As formation masters, of course they are also curious. However, this Yun-crossing flying boat was one of the treasures of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. Even the elders in the association didn't know the secret. Of course, they couldn't figure out the reason. It was only then that they finally saw the answer.

Of course, now is not the time to worry about that. Briefly surprised, several people quickly put aside their distracting thoughts and worked hard to circulate the holy energy. Once the explosion of the demon spirit's power passed, they flew up again and slashed towards the Qiongqi.

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