Although they are full of fear of this legendary ancient beast, they also know very well that only by subduing this Qiongqi can they have a way to survive. So with this sword, everyone used their full strength.

Qiongqi's indifferent eyes swept over several people, and he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of demonic power.

The power of the demon spirit, which should have been invisible, became solid at this moment, emitting a destructive light. The long swords of several people slashed upward, as if they had struck an indestructible piece of refined gold.

"Boom!" The next moment, the power of the demon spirit exploded. Amidst the loud noise, several figures flew upside down at the same time. Before they hit the wall, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

It was so powerful that it was worthy of being the first of the legendary twelve evil beasts in ancient times. This Qiongqi was so powerful that even if they joined forces, even if they tried their best, they would be no match.

Qiongqi's figure finally got out of the crack. The figure is like a tiger, with wings growing from its ribs, dragon horns and an eagle's beak, and hair all over its body like spears and thorns. It is ferocious and ferocious, yet majestic and divine.

Although they had heard the legend of Qiongqi countless times since they were young, and had seen Qiongqi's portrait in ancient books countless times, when it really stood in front of them, several formation masters still felt a sense of despair.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" Zhong Lingxiu flew over amid the clear shouts.

At this point, she no longer expects to prove her strength, nor does she expect to regain any confidence or dignity, but she can't just watch the formation base be destroyed like this, and then die together with Gu Fenghua, right? Well, she actually had such thoughts, but if her mind was really that fragile, how could she have the cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint now. So as soon as that thought emerged, she was strangled to death in the cradle.

At this moment, she had forgotten about confidence and dignity, and her only thought was: live. This idea is so determined and persistent.

The ancient long sword made a buzzing sound like a dragon's roar. Perhaps because of this determination and persistence, the power contained in the sword is actually a bit stronger than before.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua's eyes showed some admiration. She noticed Zhong Lingxiu's depression before and was worried that she would be devastated by this blow. Now it seems that she has obviously underestimated her. Even if her mental endurance is not as good as that of Luo Enen, it is still stronger than that of ordinary children of aristocratic families. too much.

The base of the formation, the secret room, and the flying boat across the clouds seemed to have disappeared. The world fell into chaos, and a sword light passed by, splitting the chaos. The yin and yang were born and the five elements were in conflict, and countless sword shadows and divine lights were slashing towards Qiongqi.

Sure enough, Zhong Lingxiu, who put aside all distracting thoughts and fought only for survival, surpassed the limit. The power of this sword was far more powerful than before, and it even vaguely reached the ninth level of Emperor Saint.

Those formation masters were all impressed. Even the legendary beast that was the head of the twelve ferocious beasts might not be able to stop the power of Zhong Lingxiu's sword.

But soon, their eyes dimmed again. Qiongqi's ranking as the first of the twelve ferocious beasts depends not only on its strength and ferocity, but also on its wisdom. How could it be able to withstand Zhong Lingxiu's sword? Even if it can't be blocked, won't it still be able to hide? Besides, with its innate magical power, even if it had to block it, it wouldn't be too difficult.

If Zhong Lingxiu is really a strong person of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, it would be easier to handle. If we drag it on, we may not know who will win. But the problem is that she is not a real ninth-grade Emperor Saint after all. With her strength of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, such a How many times can the sword be used, and how long can it last?

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