My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4932 Although 4932 is a bit of a fool

Seeing such a scene, not only several formation masters, but even Zhong Lingxiu herself felt her hands and feet getting cold and stood there blankly.

"Tianhe, Longxiang!" However, Zhu Sifang remained calm. As soon as he regained his breath, he clenched his sword again and charged towards the Qiongqi beast.

The sword light struck with a shocking momentum, like a blue dragon, soaring above the nine heavens!

Zhong Lingxiu and several formation masters woke up from a dream. Knowing that now was not the time to be in a daze, they quickly followed.

As one of Wuji Shengtian's three major chambers of commerce with the longest history and the most powerful strength, Yunhe Chamber of Commerce has a profound foundation. Zhu Sifang's sword is so majestic and majestic. The power of the sword.

However, even Zhong Lingxiu's sword that was comparable to the ninth-grade Emperor's Saint just now failed to injure Qiongqi in the slightest, let alone the power of his sword of the sixth-grade Emperor's Saint.

Just like before, Qiongqi did not dodge, nor did he use any innate magical powers. He just opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of demonic power. The next moment, Zhu Si flew out again without any suspense.

And just as he flew back, several formation masters and Zhong Lingxiu also took action, and the timing was just right.

In the chaos, yin and yang are divided into two parts and the five elements circulate. The sword rays of several formation masters, and the divine light sword rays containing the avenue of heaven and earth, slash at the strange beasts from all directions.

Qiongqi looked up to the sky and roared wildly, and the power of the demon spirit was like a volcano erupting. Zhong Lingxiu and others were shocked and flew out again. And Qiongqi was also blasted back into the crack by their joint sword.

But this time, there was no joy in their hearts, because they knew very well that such a joint sword attack would only temporarily force Qiu Qi back, and it would be difficult to cause any substantial harm to it.

Facts also proved their suspicions. After only a moment, Qiongqi got out of the crack and appeared in front of him again.

This won't hurt it. Is it really doomed today? Zhong Lingxiu smiled bitterly, and several formation masters also looked helpless.

"Its soul has been destroyed. As long as it uses up the power of the demon spirit, it will destroy itself." At this moment, Zhu Sifang shouted loudly.

The soul is destroyed! Only then did Gu Fenghua realize why Qiongqi couldn't feel any emotion in the beast's roar. It turned out that his soul had been destroyed.

After hearing Zhu Sifang's words, Zhong Lingxiu and others were refreshed.

No wonder this Qiongqi neither knows how to dodge nor has any innate magical powers. It turns out that is the reason. However, once the soul is destroyed, shouldn't it be necessary for all life to be wiped out? How can this Qiongqi still stand in front of us and be so powerful?

At this critical moment, of course they didn't have time to think about this problem carefully. They exhaled a breath, held their swords tightly, and rushed towards Qiongqi again.

Since the soul is destroyed, it means that it cannot use any innate magical powers and can only use the simplest attack methods. It also means that even if it can refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the power of demon spirits, the speed is extremely slow. They don't believe it. Can't drag it down.

One after another, figures continued to attack Qiongqi. Zhu Tongguang was about to leave, but with the appearance of the second formation base, the door to the secret room was completely closed, and he could only join the battle group.

The most surprising thing is that even Zhu Lingjun mustered up the courage and rushed forward with Fu Qingjiang. Although he was a bit of a fool, this guy was no fool at all. At the critical moment of life and death, he finally burst out with unprecedented courage.

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