My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4933 4933 She must have her intentions

One after another, the sword light struck Qiongqi fiercely like falling stars. Amidst the loud noise of "boom, boom, boom, boom", figures flew out one after another.

In just a moment, Zhong Lingxiu and others each slashed dozens of swords. Under the shock of the demon spirit's power, everyone's face turned pale, with bright red blood oozing from the corners of their mouths. The weaker ones had their chests The front was even more stained with blood.

Qiongqi was forced back into the cracks again and again, but he jumped out again and again and appeared in front of him again.

At this time, not only a few formation masters, but also Zhu Sifang began to despair. Indeed, as expected, under their constant onslaught, the demonic power of the Qiongqi ferocious beasts became weaker and weaker, but the problem was that the holy energy in their bodies was also getting weaker and weaker, and it had not yet collapsed. Qiongqi, he was going to be dragged down by it first.

It's a pity, it's still too weak. In despair, several people couldn't help but look at Zhong Lingxiu. At this moment, she was the only one who was still struggling to persevere. However, after that amazing sword strike, she could no longer surpass her own limits and display a sword power that was comparable to the ninth grade Emperor Saint. As the holy energy was consumed, The power of the sword is getting weaker and weaker. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before Qiongqi is defeated.

It would be great if she were stronger. Zhu Sifang and others thought with regret.

Wait, isn't there Gu Fenghua? Her real combat power is much stronger than Zhong Lingxiu. Even Luo En and Bai Fatty Ye Wuseji are second only to Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu. , but still more than one step better than myself! Thinking of Zhong Lingxiu, they suddenly thought of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, and then realized that until now, none of them had taken action.

Turning their heads, they looked at Gu Fenghua and the others with confusion and expectancy. Then their last hope was shattered.

Around the base of the formation, Gu Fenghui and Liu Sanjue were concentrating on making hand seals, while Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse were running their skills with all their strength, injecting holy energy into the formation points under their feet.

Only then did Zhu Sifang and others realize that the reason why the formation has been maintained until now was not destroyed by Qiongqi's appearance. It was all because Gu Fenghua and others had been maintaining the Yunhe Tiangang Formation. In this case, how could they use their hands to deal with Qiongqi.

However, unless Qiongqi is forced back to the crack, the formation base will never be repaired. How long can they persist like this? But if you don't persist, the formation will be destroyed immediately. What's the point of Teng taking action against Qiongqi?

In a dilemma, no matter what you do, it will only drag you down in the end, and it will be a dead end! Several formation masters were completely desperate.

Only Zhu Sifang still retains a glimmer of hope.

Although he had not known Gu Fenghua for a long time, he had already started to pay attention to her news a long time ago. According to his understanding, although Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu were both strong men of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint, they were very different.

Zhong Lingxiu's cultivation today is certainly due to her extraordinary talent and hard work, but it also has something to do with her family background and teacher background. As for Gu Fenghua, he originally came from the Tianji Continent and had no backing in Wuji Holy Heaven. He relied entirely on his own efforts to cultivate to the seventh level of Emperor Saint, and his real combat power was even higher than Zhong Lingxiu. There are certainly many opportunities in this, but aren’t opportunities also obtained through hard work?

He believed that it was impossible for Gu Fenghua to not see the current situation clearly, nor to drag herself down like this. She must have had her intentions in doing so!

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