My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4944 4944 only lasted one night

In the eyes of outsiders, this Yunhe Flying Boat is a cash cow for the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. Those formation masters who coughed and winked just now obviously thought so too. Zhu Tongguang is not blind, so why can't he see it? You know, he is a man with more delicate thoughts than women!

"So that's it." Several formation masters suddenly realized.

Indeed, that Qiongqi was so powerful that not even Lord Shengjun could kill it. Sealing it in the Flying Cloud Flying Boat and using the power of its demon spirit to travel between Guzhou City and Beiyuan City is indeed a good way to consume its strength. But the seal itself also consumes spiritual power. If a certain amount of Holy Spirit Stones are not collected, the financial resources of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce will be exhausted as soon as possible. Considering Qiongqi's strong strength, even the Holy Spirit Stones collected are not enough to support the consumption of the seal. .

Previously, I thought that the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce had made a fortune by relying on the Yunhe Flying Boat. In this way, they actually lost all their money.

After thinking about this, several formation masters were secretly ashamed and were in awe of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce.

"By the way, where did this Qiongqi come from?" Gu Fenghua was no exception, but what she was more curious about was the origin of this Qiongqi.

As far as she knows, even the ancient divine beasts such as dragons and phoenixes are only as strong as the Holy Lord. Although Qiongqi is known as the first of the twelve ferocious beasts, his strength is not on par with the divine beasts, so naturally he cannot compare with the Holy Lord. , logically speaking, it is only comparable to the envoy. But the Qiongqi just now had its soul destroyed, but it couldn't even kill the Holy Lord Lingji. If its soul hadn't been destroyed, its strength would definitely still be above that of the Holy Lord.

The strength of the Holy Lord has reached the limit of heaven and earth of Wuji Holy Heaven. If this Qiongqi also comes from Wuji Holy Heaven, of course it is impossible to break the limit of heaven and earth. Gu Fenghua guessed that it probably came from another more powerful cultivation plane.

"If the guess is correct, it should come from the Supreme Heaven!" Zhu Sifang confirmed her guess again.

"Supreme Heaven!" Several formation masters began to suck in cold air again - it is estimated that they have never sucked in as much cold air in their lives as they did today.

"This Qiongqi appeared more than 30,000 years ago. At that time, the disaster had passed and the world was at peace. Many legendary beasts and mythical beasts had long since disappeared from the Wuji Holy Heaven. However, this Qiongqi fell from the sky and appeared out of thin air. Tianxu Sect.

Speaking of Tianxu Sect, probably not many people know about Wuji Holy Sky today, but at that time, it was one of the three most powerful holy sects in the Lingji Realm, and its strength is self-evident. Unfortunately, facing this Qiongqi, Tianxu Sect only lasted for one night before falling apart.

Even Lord Lingji came after hearing the news and fought with him, but he could not gain the upper hand. Later, Lord Haochen led his sect's strong men to arrive in time, and they jointly exhausted the power of the demon spirit and sealed it. .

You can probably imagine what Qiongqi's strength should have been like. No matter how strong he is, he can't be this strong. Is there any other possibility besides coming from the supreme heaven? "Zhu Sifang took the trouble to explain in detail.

Not much outsiders know about this matter, but the ancestor of the Zhu family was originally a close servant of the Holy Lord Lingji, so he knew it well.

"I didn't expect it to come from the Supreme Heaven. Fortunately, Lord Shengjun and Lord Haochen took action in time, otherwise our Spirit Realm would have been filled with dead people and corpses again." Several formation masters began to gasp again. .

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