It is naturally unknown to future generations how strong the Tianxu Sect was at the time, but even a peak powerhouse like Lingji Shengjun needed to join forces with the Haochen Lord and the powerful men from the various sects under him to defeat this Qiongqi. The seal is enough to show how terrifying it is.

Although more than 30,000 years have passed, they still have lingering fears when imagining the bitter battle back then.

"So, this cloud-crossing flying boat was also built by Lord Shengjun himself. I have never heard of Lord Shengjun having such skill in refining weapons before." Someone calmed down a little and said with emotion.

Although the three saints of Wuji Shengtian are all knowledgeable about the past and present, and are involved in many strange arts such as alchemy and weaponry, no one is perfect. Compared with those alchemy masters and weapon masters who specialize in the arts, they are somewhat inferior. There are still some gaps. But judging from the current situation, this cloud-crossing flying boat is ingeniously conceived and refined, but it is definitely not inferior to Qi Jun.

It turns out that Holy Lord Lingji has such superb weapon refining skills, which they had no idea about before.

"As far as I know, this cloud-crossing flying boat was not made by Lord Shengjun." Zhu Sifang shook his head and said.

"It's not Lord Saint. Could it be Yun Zhongxiao, the Weapon Lord of that time?" Several formation masters were stunned at first, and then said suddenly.

Calculating the time, it was the time when the first-generation weapon master Yun Zhongxiao became famous all over the world. Since the one who built this cloud-crossing flying boat was not the Holy Lord Lingji, it could only be him. "

"No." Unexpectedly, Zhu Sifang shook his head and denied their speculation again.

"It's not Lord Shengjun, nor is it Lord Yun Zhongxiao, who could it be?" Several formation masters asked in astonishment.

"I don't know much about this. I only know that it is a senior expert personally invited by Lord Shengjun." Zhu Sifang said.

Senior expert? Several formation masters thought hard and couldn't think of anyone in the Lingji Domain who could have such ability except Lingji Shengjun and Yun Zhongxiao. Let alone the Spirit Realm, even if you look at the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, you can't think of anyone who has such ability.

However, looking at Zhu Sifang's expression, it was obvious that he was not lying. He really did not know the identity of the person who made the move, and they had no way to pursue the question.

Gu Fenghua originally thought that this cloud-crossing flying boat was made by the Holy Lord Lingji, but when he heard this, he realized that he was wrong.

It's not the Holy Lord of Lingji, nor the Lord of the First Generation. Who is the senior master that Zhu Sifang is talking about? She looked at the faintly visible artifact runes on the wall of the secret room, looking thoughtful.

She had also observed the cloud-crossing flying boat before, but found nothing surprising. Only then did she realize that the runes in the secret room were obviously very different from those outside.

Tian Xuan Weapon Jue, this is actually Tian Xuan Weapon Jue! Gu Fenghua's eyes suddenly lit up. As the head of the Burning Heaven Sect, she certainly knows her secret skills best.

Could it be that the person who built this cloud-crossing flying boat was a senior expert from the Burning Sky Sect? No, it is said that the early Burning Heaven Sect failed to understand the secret of Xuantian Artifact and did not have such strength at all. Later, it did have strength, but it soon faced a disaster and was destroyed at the hands of Changsun Luocang. Time The number is not quite right.

Besides, if the Burning Heaven Sect had really helped Lingji Holy Lord so much, even if it was far away in the Tianji Domain, it would definitely be protected by him. How could it be destroyed at the hands of Changsun Luocang.

If it wasn't someone from the Burning Heaven Sect, then who could it be? Apart from the Burning Heaven Sect, who else knows the Xuantian Artifact Technique?

Could it be Tantai Yunsu! A long-lost name appeared in Gu Fenghua's mind.

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