My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4946 Is 4946 just a joy in vain?

Tantai Yunsu is Ye Lishang's disciple, and the most outstanding one among his many disciples. The Burning Heaven Sect was actually founded by her. Counting the time, she was the only one in the Wuji Holy Sky at that time who knew the Heavenly Mysterious Artifact, and she was the only one who had the ability to build this cloud-crossing flying boat.

However, as far as Gu Fenghua knew, after Ye Lishang was killed by the three holy kings, Tantai Yunsu was also hunted down, and everyone even mistakenly thought that she was no longer alive. It was because of this that Feng Zigu Completely disheartened, he left Wuji Holy Heaven and came to Tianji Continent, where he established the Xinghua Temple in Xinghua Kingdom.

It wasn't until he met Gu Fenghua that he knew that Tantai Yunsu was still alive and that the ancestors of the Gu family were her disciples and descendants. After that, Feng Zigu returned to Wuji Holy Heaven and searched everywhere for the whereabouts of Tantai Yunsu.

In the past few years, Gu Fenghua and others have come from Tianji Continent to Wuji Holy Heaven, from Tianji Domain to Xuanji Domain, and then to Lingji Domain. However, except for meeting Fengzi Gu once in Tianji Domain, they have never seen him again. No news from him. As for Tantai Yunsu, apart from knowing that Burning Heaven Sect was founded by her, she had never heard any rumors about her.

Sometimes Gu Fenghua wonders whether Tantai Yunsu is still alive, and whether Fengzi Gu is just happy for nothing? But now, seeing the looming but familiar weapon runes in front of him, Gu Fenghua was certain that Tantai Yunsu must still be alive.

The reason is very simple. To build such a cloud-traveling flying boat requires more than just the skill of refining weapons, but also extremely powerful strength - a strength so powerful that even the envoys cannot compete with it. Such strength may not be as good as the three Saint Lords, but as long as she doesn't want to die, even the Saint Lords can't even think of killing her.

Since Tantai Yunsu is still alive, why have we never heard any rumors about her? Also, didn’t Ye Lishang die under the joint efforts of Tianji Holy Lord, Xuanji Holy Lord and Lingji Holy Lord? Why did she help Lingji Holy Lord build this cloud-crossing flying boat? Is it for the safety of the mainland?

Gu Fenghua knew that not everyone in this world was as clear-cut as Luo Enen. There were also many people who cared about the world and would put aside personal grudges or even sacrifice their lives for the sake of the safety of the mainland and the suffering of all people. Although this kind of moral integrity is admirable, if Tantai Yunsu ignored the revenge of killing his master for this reason and instead helped Lingji Shengjun, it would still make her feel uncomfortable.

"Fenghua, is there something wrong with this formation?" Zhu Sifang suddenly asked cautiously beside him.

"Ah?" Gu Fenghua woke up with a start, and then realized that when he was looking at the runes and thinking about his thoughts, not only Zhu Sifang had a worried look on his face, but several formation masters were also uneasy, and they did not dare to speak out loud.

Obviously, they had just escaped and had not yet completely calmed down. They were really frightened when they saw themselves staring at the weapon runes and looking depressed.

"No, no, I just saw that the runes of this weapon are exquisite and mysterious, but there are a lot of doubts about them, and I can't figure them out for the moment." Gu Fenghua was secretly ashamed and quickly said perfunctorily.

These old people are quite old, so what if they get scared?

"So that's it." Several formation masters breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I forgot, Feng Hua, you are also a master in the art of weapon refining. Seeing such a weapon method will inevitably make you happy, so I might as well give this to you." Zhu Sifang also had a look on his face, and took out a An ancient manuscript was handed over.

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