My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4949 4949Don’t you feel any grievance at all?

"I regret it. How about not going?" Zhong Lingxiu said this after being depressed for a while.

"No!" Gu Fenghua said without argument.

The sword strike just now consumed most of the bloodline power she had accumulated for many days. Although she had learned a lot from Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills during these days, and she broke the bloodline seal much faster than before, but Zhong Lingxiu " It’s always easier to help”. She also wanted to study the refining method of Duyun Feizhou when she had time. She would try to save as much time as possible.

"Then, can you be gentle?" Ever since boarding this "thief ship", Zhong Lingxiu knew that she could not escape Gu Fenghua's clutches, so she did not persist, but settled for the next best thing.

"How can you defeat yourself if you attack lightly?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Then, don't slap me in the face." Zhong Lingxiu retreated to the next best thing.

"Try your best," Gu Fenghua said.

"Then, remember to give me the Jade Dew Emperor Qing Dan after the fight." Gu Fenghua's answer was obviously perfunctory. Zhong Lingxiu could only continue to retreat and continue to seek the next best thing.

"This should be no problem." Gu Fenghua nodded.

"Deal." Seeing that she finally relented, Zhong Lingxiu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a gleam of joy appeared on her face: Although it was inevitable to be beaten, but in any case, it would be better if outsiders didn't see her miserable appearance. Being able to save face is an unexpected gain.

Next to them, Zhu Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang were already stunned.

The dignified eldest daughter of the Zhong family - the eldest daughter of the Zhong family, who is known as a peerless genius, actually bargained with others in order not to be beaten too hard and too badly, and even looked happy until the end. The world is in chaos.

"Isn't it just a few beatings? What's the big deal? It's not like I haven't been beaten by her before." Seeing the joy on Zhong Lingxiu's face, Luo Enen gave her a look of disdain and said disapprovingly.

"Have you been beaten by her too?" After hearing the first half of Luo Enen's words, Zhong Lingxiu was indignant: It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, why don't you try it instead? When she said the next words, Zhong Lingxiu looked surprised.

I thought that Gu Fenghua was only cruel to outsiders, but I didn't expect that she was equally cruel to her own people.

"Nonsense, how about I have such a cultivation level?" As expected, it was Luo Enen who was optimistic by nature. When he mentioned the unbearable past, not only did he not feel any resentment, but he was rather complacent and contented.

"Don't you have any... grievances or anything in your heart?" Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but ask.

She was tortured time and time again to the point where she had no choice but to live or die. Of course, she knew best about Gu Fenghua's violence and cruelty. Looking back, even she, an outsider, felt wronged, let alone her closest friends.

"It's a grievance, a little bit at first, but I just need to think of a solution." Luo Enen replied.

"What can we do?" Zhong Lingxiu perked up.

"Find someone and make him feel more wronged than you, such as giving him a good beating or something, and you will naturally feel better." Luo Enen said with great experience. In fact, she is indeed very experienced in this kind of thing.

Next to him, the corners of Fatty Bai's mouth twitched fiercely. Obviously, he is the more aggrieved person that Miss Luo said.

Next to them, the corners of Zhu Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang's mouths also twitched violently. The dignified eldest daughter of the Zhong family - the eldest daughter of the Zhong family, who is known as a peerless genius, actually discussed with others her experience of being beaten. It's chaos, the world is completely in chaos.

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