My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4950 4950She actually smiled at me!

"Hmm... This method sounds good." The eldest lady of the Zhong family has no consciousness of being a peerless genius. After thinking about Luo Enen's words, her eyes swept over Zhu Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang thoughtfully. .

The two shuddered and turned their heads in unison.

"Why are you following us sneakily?" Zhong Lingxiu suddenly shouted together.

Looking around, everyone saw Zhu Tongguang looking towards them from behind the corner.

Zhu Tongguang was startled, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but Zhong Lingxiu glared at him, but he couldn't move away. Don't forget, not long ago, he was severely beaten by Zhong Lingxiu, and the bruises on his face have not completely dissipated yet. As soon as he saw Zhong Lingxiu's hair flying, he could not help but cry. Legs feel weak.

"Ha, ha, thanks to your help today, we, the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, can escape the disaster. My uncle has important matters to attend to, and he didn't have time to entertain you all. I'll prepare a few glasses of wine. I don't know. Are you willing to show your face?" Zhu Tongguang came out with trembling legs and said with a laugh.

In such a short period of time, he certainly didn't have time to prepare any banquet. In this way, he was just looking for an excuse to offend Zhu Lingxiu, and he never thought that others would agree.

"You want to invite us to drink?" What surprised him was that after hearing his words, Zhu Lingxiu's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, let me buy you a drink." Zhu Tongguang nodded subconsciously.

"Just in time, I have something to ask you for help." Zhu Lingxiu said.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Tongguang asked doubtfully. Although Zhu Lingxiu's strength is not as good as Gu Fenghua, she is still a strong person in the seventh level of Emperor Saint. Among her peers, except Gu Fenghua, no one can match her. He really can't think of what Zhong Lingxiu can do. You need your own help.

"Follow me, you'll know in a moment." Zhu Lingxiu did not explain, but took the lead in walking forward with a soft smile on his face.

Seeing such a smile, Zhu Tongguang felt a buzz in his head: She smiled at me, she actually smiled at me!

Such a smile seemed ordinary to Gu Fenghua and others, but to Zhu Tongguang, it obviously had extraordinary meaning. For a moment, Master Zhu was so flattered that his mind went blank. He didn't think much about anything, and just followed Zhu Lingxiu fascinated.

"Didn't he hear what we were saying just now?" Luo Enen looked at Zhu Tongguang's obviously beaming back and said with sympathy.

No one answered her question, and everyone's expressions became extremely heavy, as if they saw a tragedy unfolding quietly.

"Ouch..." What happened next was not beyond their expectations. Soon, Zhu Tongguang's screams like ghosts and wolves were heard in the corridor.

"Actually, I just said it casually. She wouldn't take it seriously." Miss Luo's expression was heavy and she blamed herself.

"I don't blame you, he brought it on himself." Gu Fenghua put his arm around Luo Enen's shoulders and said comfortingly.

Although she already possesses the powerful cultivation of the sixth level of Emperor Saint, Luo Enen does not have the problem of other strong people who regard the weak as ants. She has not lost her good nature and still sticks to her true heart, which makes her feel very relieved.

"Why don't we go take a look and don't cause any harm to anyone?" Luo Enen said worriedly.

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