My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4951 4951 Several people have a black streak

"Okay, let's go take a look." Gu Fenghua nodded.

Speeding up the pace, the group soon arrived at the martial arts arena. Looking inside through the ajar door, Gu Fenghua and others took a deep breath.

In the corner diagonally opposite, a shadow of fists, wind and legs was like a torrential downpour, and in the center of the torrential rain, a face with a black nose, swollen eyes and blood stains was raised with difficulty, a whimpering howl coming from his mouth, and his hands like a person falling into the water. He was waving helplessly, then clinging to the ground, using all his strength to escape from the violent storm. But immediately, he was dragged back again and completely submerged by the violent storm. On the solid ground, only dazzling bloody fingerprints were left.

Although he had expected that Zhu Tongguang would end up miserable when he fell into Zhong Lingxiu's hands, he never thought that it would be so miserable. Even Gu Fenghua felt that he couldn't bear it.

"Oh, what a pity." Lorne sighed.

"What's the pity?" Zhu Lingjun only glanced at her, and his scalp was numb with fear. He quickly retracted his head and asked in confusion after hearing her words.

"That kick just now, if it is half an inch lower, the effect will be better and the pain will be more severe. And this kick, if it is slightly three points to the left, it will definitely make him unable to scream in pain. And this kick , The strength is too small. If I were to do it, this kick would definitely make him worse than death. If you look at this punch again, it should be..." Luo Enen shook his head and patiently explained to Zhu Lingjun. stand up.

At the beginning, she could still see some sympathy in her eyes, but the more she talked about it, the more excited she became. In the end, she simply rolled up her sleeves and gave a demonstration to Zhu Lingjun enthusiastically. Looking at it like that, she really wanted to rush to Zhu Lingjun. Just go in and do it yourself.

Next to them, Gu Fenghua and others all had black lines: Where have they gone, where have they gone, where have they gone?

"I think we'd better go." Gu Fenghua couldn't bear to watch anymore, and dragged the beaming Luo Enen away from the martial arts arena.

Back in the room, Gu Fenghua took out the notebook that was probably left by Tantai Yunsu and began to study the refining method of the Flying Boat.

Although there is no ferocious beast like Qiongqi, it is impossible for her to refine a cloud-crossing flying boat exactly like this one, but if she refines a small cloud-crossing flying boat, it can only be used by a few people to travel between Tianji Domain and Lingji. But there is no hope among the domains.

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were planning to go back to their room to practice. Seeing Gu Fenghua preparing to refine the Yundu Feizhou, they became interested, but they couldn't bear to leave.

Anyway, they had just condensed the new innate Holy Spirit root, which was the time to consolidate their cultivation. Knowing more about the weapon formations would be of great benefit to their future cultivation, so Gu Fenghua did not force them and allowed them to stay. .

In the days that followed, Gu Fenghua tried to refine the cloud-crossing flying boat while continuing to comprehend the Yin-Yang and Five Elements principles he had learned from Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" move. Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed. The Duyun Feizhou trembled slightly, slowed down, and headed straight towards an ancient city. "Beiyuan City", three powerful characters on the city gate also came into view.

"Here we are, we are finally here." Looking at Beiyuan City getting closer and closer outside the porthole, as well as the big characters on the city gate, Luo Enen shouted excitedly.

Miss Luo's temperament can't be idle at that moment. It's really not easy to be bored in Duyun Feizhou for several months. Sometimes she even hoped that there would be something wrong with those two formations. Even if they were a little dangerous, at least they wouldn't be so boring.

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