My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4956 4956 You just don’t like me.

Besides, this guy's life experience is indeed quite tragic. He was exposed to the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppressing Map for ten thousand years. He finally regained his freedom and was forced to make a soul sacrifice contract with himself. If he hadn't been so sad and angry, he would have hidden it. The dragon power in the beast soul is stimulated to the extreme, and it may have been completely destroyed by the supreme power of the Phoenix Power.

Putting himself in its shoes, even Gu Feng felt deep sympathy for its rough fate.

"Master, are you serious, are you really willing to let me go?" Gui Jiao looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

"If you don't take your claws away, just pretend I didn't say anything." Gu Fenghua said.

Although it was just a beast soul and would not cause tears and snot to be smeared everywhere, Gu Fenghua had been psychologically affected by those old men who hugged other people's trouser legs and cried loudly, smearing tears and snot everywhere. He looked up at the face with tears in his eyes. His face felt a chill in his heart.

"Oh, I'm leaving right now." Gui Jiao quickly released his claws.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's look of disgust, it understood what was going on and didn't dare to say anything more, and quickly hid back in the Bahuang Demonic Map.

"Oh, what a pity." Miss Luo was deeply disappointed after failing to become a dragon.

"Anyway, it won't be used for the time being. Once we find a suitable monster, if it fails to be refined, it will be up to you then." Gu Fenghua said comfortingly.

"What if I can't find it?" Luo Enen asked.

Gu Fenghua was silent for a moment. Although the Yundu Feizhou itself did not have the ability to attack or defend, the complicated weapon array it used was absolutely comparable to a divine weapon. It was still difficult to find a suitable monster to refine it into a weapon spirit. It's really not an easy task.

There is no way. Since that world-destroying disaster, the existing monsters in Wuji Holy Heaven have become weaker and weaker. What kind of prehistoric alien species or bloodline awakening all depends on luck. If you are lucky, you can encounter one or two. Luck If you live a few lifetimes, you may never encounter one. As for a well-preserved ancient beast soul like the ghost dragon, it is something you can only encounter but cannot seek.

If she really couldn't find it, she didn't know what to do.

"If we really can't find it, we might as well bring it for practice." Before Gu Fenghua could answer, Luo Enen suggested excitedly. The "it" she mentioned was naturally referring to the ghost dragon.

After all, I have a big grudge against you. You dislike me so much and never forget me. I curse you, curse you! In the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Picture, the poor ghost dragon sheds a thousand lines of tears and draws circles.

Well, Miss Luo has no grudge against it, and she doesn’t really think it’s ugly or unpleasant to the eyes. She just wants to complete the first refining artifact in her life to make herself happy. As for whether Gui Jiao is happy or not, what does it have to do with her?

In fact, the unhappy Guijiao was, the happier she was. This was originally her bad taste - pure, Miss Luo's bad taste.

"Let's talk about it later." Gu Fenghua ignored her bad taste and casually took Duyun Feizhou back into the storage bracelet.

Fortunately, her storage bracelet was a gift from her brothers. The space was already surprisingly large. After tempering it several times with her own hands, the storage space was expanded several times. Otherwise, it would not be able to store such a large flying boat. .

"Let's go, we're going down too." Then, Gu Fenghua looked outside and said.

Outside the window, Zhu Sifang walked down the gangway first, accompanied by two elders and Zhu Tongguang, followed closely by the elders of each sect and their disciples.

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